
来源 :华北农学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyld2006_ldcy
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因土施肥的关键在于如何确定土壤肥力水平.根据我们按统一方案进行的多年多点田间肥料试验结果认为,土壤诸养分中速效磷含量的高低与产量有较好的相关关系:y=8.25+62.46logP r=0.8618~(**)(y为产量百分数,p为土壤速效磷测试值),所以用土壤速效磷含量做为土壤肥力指标之一在河北是可行的.根据不同土壤供磷水平配置了三个肥效方程,算出不同供磷水平土壤的经济最佳施肥量和氮磷肥施用比例,也可预测产量幅度.本试验结果从宏观上提出了河北省冬小麦施肥配方,对指导小麦科学施肥有重要意义,同时为国家安排生产和调配化肥提供了科学依据. The key to soil fertility is how to determine the soil fertility level.According to our multi-year field trial of fertilizers according to the unified plan, the results showed that there was a good correlation between available phosphorus content and yield in soil nutrients: y = 8.25 + 62.46logP r = 0.8618 ~ (**) (y is the yield percentage, p is the soil available phosphorus test value), so it is feasible to use available phosphorus in soil as one of the indicators of soil fertility in Hebei.According to different soil phosphorus supply Three fertilizer efficiency equations were set up to calculate the economic optimum fertilization rate and the proportion of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers applied to different levels of phosphorus supply and also to predict the yield margin.The results of this experiment proposed the winter wheat fertilization formula in Hebei Province, Have important meanings, at the same time, provide the scientific basis for the state to arrange the production and deployment of fertilizers.
General dynamical networks with distributed time delays are studied. The topology of the networks are viewed as unknown parameters, which need to be identified.
Lévy flight with nonlinear friction is studied.Due to the occurrence of extremely long jumps Lévy flights often possess infinite variance and are physically p