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1842年8月《南京条约》签订后,上海被辟为通商口岸。由于南京路外滩遥望驶进黄浦江的轮船的角度最佳,因此第一任英国驻上海领事巴富尔即把这一带选为外国人的居留地,其用意就是他说的:“英国的军舰在这里可以停泊,使英国人看得见而感到安全。我们的目的是要完全控制扬子江,以稳定我们的商业关系”。为了能长期租用房地产,使之“合法化”,1845年巴富尔和上海道台宫慕久签订了第一个地皮章程,其中有一条便规定了南京路的归属。于是外国商人蜂拥而至,展开了一场地皮争夺战。几所著名的大楼就是从这时候开始在 After the signing of the Nanjing Treaty in August 1842, Shanghai was turned into a treaty port. Since the perspective of the Nanjing Bund on the Huangpu River is best viewed from the Bund, the first British consul in Shanghai, Barval, to choose this area as a place of residence for foreigners was intended to mean: “The British warship Here you can park and feel safe for the British to see and we aim to have total control of the Yangtze River so as to stabilize our commercial relations. ” In order to be able to rent real estate over a long period of time and make it “legalized”, in 1845, the first land charter was signed between the two cities by Barver and Shanghai Wutai. There was one that stipulated the ownership of Nanjing Road. So foreign businessmen flocked to the ground started a battle for land. Several well-known building is from this time in the beginning
HDR摄影技术是指高动态范围(High Dynamic Range)摄影技术,通过这项技术能够拍摄到比普通摄影技术更加广泛的亮度和色彩范围。为达到这一目的,HDR摄影技术通过合成三张或者更
症状一: 关闭真实生活大门,独自龟缩在小屋,在虚拟网络世界里冲浪,用电子同伴代替人类交流的遁世封闭症。解决办法: 对网瘾者来说,就是把电脑扔到马桶里冲走也无济于事,因此
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