Decorating multiwalled carbon nanotubes with zinc oxide nanoparticles by thermally decomposing Zn-ol

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lionados
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Carbon nanotubes decorated with zinc oxide nanoparticles were produced by thermally decomposing a Zn-oleate complex in an octadecene medium.The structure of the ZnO decorating nanotube surfaces was characterized by transmission electron microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray dif-fraction.The surfaces were shown to be densely and homogeneously covered by ZnO nanoparticles with a size below 10 nm.The nanoparticles had the wurtzite hexagonal crystal structure and showed good adhesion to the nanotubes.The carbon nanotubes decorated by metal oxide nanoparticles were synthesized at relatively low temperature and non-oxidation environment.Moreover,the large-scale production with low cost can be realized. Carbon nanotubes decorated with zinc oxide nanoparticles were produced by be decomposed in a Zn-oleate complex in an octadecene medium. The structure of the ZnO decorating nanotube surfaces was characterized by transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray dif-fraction. Surfaces were shown to be densely and homogeneously covered by ZnO nanoparticles with a size below 10 nm. The nanoparticles had the wurtzite hexagonal crystal structure and showed good good adhesion to the nanotubes. The carbon nanotubes decorated by metal oxide nanoparticles were synthesized at relatively low temperature and non -oxidation environment. Moreover, the large-scale production with low cost can be realized.
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