
来源 :民事程序法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boli257758
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民事诉讼法学是法学专业十四门主干课程之一,也是程序法学的入门课程。但长期以来,受“重实体轻程序”、“重刑轻民”等传统思维的影响,民事诉讼法学的教学与研究也成为“轻中之轻”。民事诉讼法学教学缺乏吸引力的根本原因在于民事诉讼法学自身研究的贫困化与真空化。除此之外,还有四个关键因素不容忽视。就授课主体而言,民诉课程需要兼通实体法与程序法,谙熟三大诉讼法,并充分了解司法实务的教师。就授课教材而言,民诉课程需要更为简明扼要、结合实体、关注实务的“实用”教材。就授课对象而言,民诉课程应该抓住学生的兴趣点,合理安排课时与内容,注意课程之间的协调,重视案例解析与基础知识的传授。就授课方法而言,民诉课程应将多媒体教学、案例教学、互动教学、司考教学与慕课教学等五类教学方法作为今后改革的重点。 Civil Procedure Law is one of fourteen main courses of law major, and also an introductory course of procedural law. However, for a long time, the teaching and research of civil procedure law has also become “light and medium” under the influence of traditional thinking such as “light and light weight” and “heavy light and light weight”. The basic reason for the lack of appeal in the teaching of civil procedure law lies in the impoverishment and vacuumization of the research of civil procedure law itself. In addition, there are four key factors that can not be ignored. As far as teaching subjects are concerned, Civil Litigation Courses need to combine substantive and procedural law with teachers who are familiar with the three major procedural laws and fully understand judicial practice. In terms of teaching materials, Civil Litigation Courses need to be more concise, practical, and practical. As far as teaching objects are concerned, civil prosecution courses should seize the students’ points of interest, arrange class hours and contents reasonably, pay attention to the coordination among the courses, and pay attention to the case analysis and the transfer of basic knowledge. As far as teaching methods are concerned, civil lawsuit courses should focus on five types of teaching methods: multimedia teaching, case teaching, interactive teaching, departmental examinations and teaching of mutilation.
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