
来源 :西藏艺术研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxwycn
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《西藏文化的发展》白皮书发表后 ,在我区社会各界引起强烈反响。西藏和平解放以来 ,特别是民主改革后的 40多年间 ,不仅在经济建设、社会发展上取得了举世瞩目的成就 ,文化事业也出现了前所未有的繁荣与发展 ,这是有目共睹的事实。但是 ,达赖集团为了达到其制造分裂的目的 ,在国际上大肆鼓噪和散布 ,在党领导下的社会主义西藏“文化遭到了灭绝”。西藏的文化在 40多年来到底是繁荣发展还是“遭到灭绝” ,《白皮书》对这个问题进行了最有力的回答 ,对达赖的无耻谰言进行了最有力的驳斥。近日来 ,我区思想文化战线各部门、单位 ,纷纷举行各种座谈会 ,围绕《白皮书》的发表 ,列举大量事实 ,理直气壮、旗帜鲜明地揭批达赖的“文化毁灭”论 ,颂扬了在党的领导下西藏文化繁荣发展的累累硕果。从今天开始我们将陆续刊登采自文化战线各个方面的专访 ,让广大读者对今日西藏文化的发展状况有进一步的了解。 After the publication of the White Paper on the Development of Tibetan Culture, it has aroused strong repercussions in all sectors of our community. Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, especially over the 40 years after the democratic reform, it has become evident to all to see that not only remarkable achievements in economic construction and social development have been achieved, but also cultural undertakings have enjoyed unprecedented prosperity and development. However, in order to achieve its goal of creating a division, the Dalai clique has greatly proclaimed and disseminated the international community and the “culture of Tibet” has been exterminated under the leadership of the party. In the 40 years since the Tibetan culture was booming or extinct, the “White Paper” provided the most powerful answer to this question and most vigorously rejected the Dalai Lama’s shameless assertion. In recent days, various departments and units in the ideological and cultural front in our district held various seminars in succession. Around the publication of the “White Paper,” they listed a large number of facts, confidently and forthrightly unveiled the Dalai Lama’s theory of “cultural destruction,” praising the party Under the leadership of Tibet’s cultural prosperity and development of fruitful. Starting from today, we will successively publish an interview with experts from all aspects of the cultural front so that our readers will have a better understanding of the development of Tibetan culture today.
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南国春早,万象更新。刚迈进2000年的广东艺坛,乘着深化改革的春风,唱起了动人的春天畅想曲,组成了一道道姹紫嫣红亮丽的文化风景线,令人心旷神怡。 你听,元旦刚过就召开的广
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一、2000年律师资格考试例题分 析及总体评价 综观2000年律考试题,其命题特点如下: (一)题型规范、结构合理 律考在经过几年发展以后,变得越来越规范,越来越合理,其中最集中
农民靳双英于1997年7月底住进 当地医院待产,8月初生下女孩佳佳。 医院认为靳双英贫血,为她输血400毫 升。靳双英出院后,出现了发热、腹泻、 口腔溃疡等症状,继而高烧不退,持
当我心急火燎地赶回来,猛发现黑色小皮包仍静静地立在街头小石桌上,狂跳的心总算安定了下来。   正当我坦然欲光明正大地取回属于我的包时,四周那看似悠闲的人群中射过来的阵阵目光冷不丁逼出了我一身寒意。   这石桌周围,正三三两两地围坐着一群无所事事之人,有的看报,有的闭目养神,有的听音乐,有的剪指甲,没人经过时现场出奇地静,可一有脚步声从石桌旁经过,则各种警惕的目光纷纷抬起,在这凛然扫射中,绽出来