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如同人类的绵延有赖于对子孙后辈代代相袭的哺育一样,艺术事业的延续和发展同样有赖于其教育事业的进步和提高,尤其要重视艺术学术的前置问题。于此,音乐、戏剧、舞蹈早已走在了前面。 作为一个高层次美术人才全面艺术素养储备阶段的一个学养内容,作为该阶段基础教学体系的一个组成部分的书法教学,不应仅仅局限于对具体技法和有关知识的传授,而应注重其教学意义的外衍。借助于书法教学引发一些艺术思考,阐明一些艺术实践上的互通规律和美学演绎问题。 古人云:“过时而后学,则勤苦难成。”(《礼记·学记》)倘若将这种意义外衍性书法教学后置,留待于大学阶段进行,则很有可能是学则勤苦难成,不学则又无补于审美理解上的缺陷。明于此,中国美院附中在全国同类学校中率先开设了书法课程,在学习和掌握书法技法及有关知识的同时,更注重借其教学引发一些与丰富学生艺术素养有关的思考。就其部分逐步加强、渐趋明确的教学尝试而论,其可行性是肯定的。 Just as the extension of mankind depends on the nurturing of future generations from generation to generation, the continuation and development of the art career also depends on the progress and improvement of its educational undertaking, with particular emphasis on the front issues of art and academic affairs. In this, music, drama, dance has long been in front. As a scholarly content of a full-scale artistic accomplishment reserve of high-level art talents, calligraphy teaching as an integral part of the basic teaching system at this stage should not be limited to imparting specific techniques and related knowledge, but should pay attention to its teaching significance Outsourcing. With the aid of calligraphy teaching, some artistic thinking is triggered, and some laws of interoperability in artistic practice and interpretation of aesthetics are elucidated. The ancients said: “Outdated and then learn, then hard-bitter into.” (“Book of Rites school”) If the meaning of the book of teaching aftermath, leaving to be carried out in the university stage, it is likely to learn Suffering into failure, do not learn does not complement the defects in aesthetic understanding. In this regard, the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts middle school took the lead in setting up a calligraphy course among similar schools in the country. While learning and mastering calligraphy techniques and related knowledge, it also paid more attention to using its teaching to trigger some reflections on enriching students’ artistic accomplishments. As far as its gradual strengthening of part of the teaching practice is gradually clear, its feasibility is affirmative.
本文通过对美国住房抵押贷款证券化对其不动产抵押市场发展的作用及其机理分析 ,来寻找对我国大力发展不动产市场的参考价值 ,并对中国发展资产证券化提出一些建议。 In thi
第一章总则 第1条亚洲集邮联合会(Federation of Inter-Asian Philately,缩写FIAP)是亚洲和大洋洲各集邮协会组成的非营利性和非政治性的联合会。1974年914日在新加坡成立。