Optical parameters and energy levels splitting of Ho~(3+) in Ho~(3+): GdVO_4

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxt
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Ho3+ : GdVO4 is a new laser material suitable for high-power laser systems. In this paper we measure the absorption spectra of Ho3+ in the sample Ho3+: GdVO4. The intensity parameters are calculated by using the Judd-Ofelt theory. Some predicted spectroscopic parameters, such as the spontaneous radiative transition rate, branching ratio and integrated emission cross section are dealt with. And we also compare the optical parameters with those of other materials. From these results, it is found that there are many transitions which have large oscillator strengths and large integrated emission cross sections. Especially the transitions such as 5F4 → 5I8, 5S2→ 5I8, 5F5 → 5I8 and 5I7 → 5I8 are useful in solid-state lasers and other fields. Finally, we discuss the splitting of the energy levels of Ho3+ in the crystal GdVO4 based on the group theory. Ho3 +: GdVO4 is a new laser material suitable for high-power laser systems. In this paper we measure the absorption spectra of Ho3 + in the sample Ho3 +: GdVO4. The intensity parameters are calculated by using the Judd-Ofelt theory. , such as the spontaneous radiative transition rate, branching ratio and integrated emission cross section are dealt with. And we also compare the optical parameters with those of other materials. From these results, it is found that there are many transitions which have large oscillator strengths Especially the transitions such as 5F4 → 5I8, 5S2 → 5I8, 5F5 → 5I8 and 5I7 → 5I8 are useful in solid-state lasers and other fields. Finally, we discuss the splitting of the energy levels of Ho3 + in the crystal GdVO4 based on the group theory.
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