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笔者从义位组合的角度切入,归纳出汉英动物义位组合的三种类型。认为处于组合过程中的动物义位,其属性陪义和情态陪义均被前景化。其中,属性陪义在动物义位组合中受到“同素规则”的制约;而情态陪义则受到“倾向同一规则”的制约。 The author cuts in from the perspective of the combination of senses and bits and summarizes the three types of combinations of Chinese and English animal sentiment. It is considered that in the process of combining, the animal's sense of place, the property of gratitude and gratitude of gratitude are foreground. Among them, the property of the peculiar nature of the combination of animals in the “all-in-one rule” constraints; and modality of paternity is subject to “the same rules” constraints.
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