Fabricating of Open-cell Porous Al-Si Alloy with Pressure Penetration Casting

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:udbnny
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Open-cell porous Al alloy was fabricated by pressure penetration casting. The fabrication ofpreform was studied in detail. When forming temperature is about 700℃ and binder contentis about 10%, preform with high compressive strength is obtained. Good porous Al alloy withpore size (0.5-1.6 mm) and porosity (60%-80%) can be obtained under 100℃ superheatingof liquid metal and about 1.0 MPa applied pressure. The size of the largest sample is up to100 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height. With the help of SEM it was found that the obtainedmaterial is a three-dimension open-cell porous structure with well-distributed and connected witheach other pores. Finally theoretical analysis was carried out to explain the efect of fabricatingprocess. Open-cell porous Al alloy was fabricated by pressure penetration casting. The fabrication of preform was studied in detail. When forming temperature is about 700 ° C. and binder content is about 10%, preform with high compressive strength is obtained. Good porous Al alloy with pitch size ( 0.5-1.6 mm) and porosity (60% -80%) can be obtained under 100 ° C superheatingof liquid metal and about 1.0 MPa applied pressure. The size of the largest sample is up to 100 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height. With the help of SEM it was found that the obtained material is a three-dimension open-cell porous structure with well-distributed and connected witheach other pores. Finally theoretical analysis was carried out to explain the efect of fabricating process.
曾有人报道用冷冰喷注角膜治愈一例肌肉型他觉性耳鸣。但本文作者遇到两例用其同样方法治疗均无效,现报告如下。 病例报告 例1,男6岁。例2,女14岁。均因双耳“咔咔”作响,于
In the degassing process of transformer oil with ultrasonic waves, decomposition of the oil was observed. Light hydrocarbons, including methane, ethane, ethyle
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中耳自发性出血实属罕见,有关此病的报道极少,我科收治了一例,现摘录报告如下: 患者男性,42岁,农民,于1985年3月2日晚,因室内烟较多连打数个喷嚏后,突觉眩晕,左耳胀痛及堵塞