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以北柴胡种子为试材,采用不同配比的水杨酸和壳聚糖混合液进行处理(CK:自来水,T1:水杨酸0.01mmol·L~(-1)+壳聚糖1mg·mL~(-1),T2:水杨酸0.01mmol·L~(-1)+壳聚糖10mg·mL~(-1),T3:水杨酸0.05 mmol·L~(-1)+壳聚糖1 mg·mL~(-1),T4:水杨酸0.05mmol·L~(-1)+壳聚糖10mg·mL~(-1)),北柴胡种子浸种24h后播种,在种子萌发过程中测定其生理指标,以研究不同配比的水杨酸和壳聚糖混合液对北柴胡种子萌发的影响。结果表明:T1~T4处理的发芽率、含水量、体积总体呈上升趋势;可溶性糖含量呈现下降-上升-下降的趋势,第10天和第15天是转折点;CK和T4处理在整个过程蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,而T1、T2、T3处理在种子萌发初期先上升之后呈下降趋势;氨基酸含量总体呈先上升后下降的趋势,但达到最高点的时间不同,T3在第5天最早达到最高点,其它处理在第20天最高,且T4的氨基酸含量高于其它处理。用隶属函数分析对柴胡各项生理指标的变化进行综合评价大小顺序为T4>T3>T2>CK>T1。综上可知,不同配比的混合液浸种对北柴胡种子的萌发作用不同,用配比为水杨酸0.05mmol·L~(-1)+壳聚糖10mg·mL~(-1)浸种效果最好。 Bupleurum chinense seed was used as experimental material, and treated with different ratios of salicylic acid and chitosan (CK: tap water, T1: salicylic acid 0.01mmol·L -1 + chitosan 1mg · T2: salicylic acid 0.01 mmol·L -1 + chitosan 10 mg · mL -1, T3: salicylic acid 0.05 mmol·L -1 + Polysaccharides 1 mg · mL -1, T4: salicylic acid 0.05 mmol·L -1 + chitosan 10 mg · mL -1) The physiological indexes of seeds were determined during the germination of seeds to study the effects of different mixtures of salicylic acid and chitosan on the seed germination of Bupleurum chinense. The results showed that the germination rate, water content and volume of T1 ~ T4 treatment showed a general trend of increase. Soluble sugar content showed a tendency of descending-increasing-descending. The 10th and 15th days were turning points. While the contents of T1, T2 and T3 decreased after the first germination. The content of amino acids increased first and then decreased, but the time to reach the highest point was the highest. T3 reached the earliest at the fifth day Point, the other treatments were the highest on the 20th day, and the amino acid content of T4 was higher than other treatments. The membership function analysis of the physiological changes of Bupleurum comprehensive evaluation of the order of size is T4> T3> T2> CK> T1. In conclusion, the germination of Bupleurum chinense seeds with different ratios of mixture soaking was different, soaking seeds with 0.05 mmol·L -1 of chloralose and 10 mg · mL -1 of chitosan best effect.
世上最舒适的座椅来自泰国的外教Somsak Navayuth,在一个周末的上午,来到了距重庆1小时车程的接龙镇农贸市场,每逢周末,附近的农民就会将新鲜的蔬菜与水果运来这里贩售。图片
本文分析了液压设备常见故障的原因及特点,并据此介绍了船舶液压设备常见故障的分析与排除方法 .
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