
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goodyoujun
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本研究目的是测定致龋性和非致龋性牙菌斑对牙釉质溶解速度的影响。作者研究了40名11岁~15岁学生,他们无并发症,在条件相同的学校住宿.用亚甲红作致龋牙菌斑显示剂。在上中切牙唇面放置含1%葡萄糖溶液棉球2分钟,然后贴敷0.1%亚甲红染料1分钟。染料颜色由黄变红为阳性反应,证明由于酸及其他致龋物质的形成使菌斑pH 值下降而致龋.染料颜色无变化为阴性。将所研究的牙齿去除牙菌斑后干燥唇面,用活体组织检查法测定牙釉质溶解速度. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cariogenic and non-cariogenic plaque on the rate of tooth enamel dissolution. The authors studied 40 students aged 11 to 15 years with no complications and accommodation in the same school conditions using methylene red as a cariogenic plaque indicator. Place a cotton ball containing a 1% glucose solution on the face of the upper incisors for 2 minutes, then apply a 0.1% methylene red dye for 1 minute. The color of the dye changed from yellowish red to positive, demonstrating that the color of the plaque was decayed due to the formation of acids and other cariogenic substances, and no change in the color of the dye was negative. The dentifrice was removed from the tooth under study to dry the labial surface and the rate of enamel dissolution was determined by biopsy.
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民国元老于右任先生精通书法,很多人都慕名而来向他求字。有一天,有人为了请他写字,特地为他准备一桌酒席。饭后,这人拿来纸笔,于右任此时已经酩酊 Mr. Yu Youren of the Re
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俗话说“佛靠金装,人靠衣装。”文章是语言的艺术,语言则需要修辞来装饰。修辞,就是修饰词句。修辞之于语言,犹如华美的服饰之于人。一篇文章中,比喻用得好,则生动活泼,清新明快;排比用得好,则气势如虹,震人心魄。拟人用得好,则活灵活现,独具一格。引用用得好,则文章添香,意蕴丰厚。考场作文如果能借助各种修辞手法来装点,那么文章的语言就可以出新出奇,增色添彩。    一 善用比喻。生动形象    比喻就是打