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在这次财务大检查中,发现不少学校违反开支标准的原因,除执行制度不够严肃外,还有一个重要原因,就是弄不清经费支出定额与经费开支标准的关系,把二者混为一谈,错误地认为依据上级核定的单项定额,就可以作为办理支出的依据。经费支出定额,是上级主管部门核定给学校的经费使用限额,一般是由各个单项定额组成。经费开支标准,则是国家对各地位财务开支作出的统一规定。它们的区别可以从以下三个方面来 In this large financial inspection, we found that many schools violated the reasons for expenditure standards. Apart from the fact that the implementation system is not serious enough, one of the important reasons for this is that we can not understand the relationship between the fixed expenditure and the expenditure standard, and confuse the two. It is wrong to think that the basis of the individual quotas approved by the superior can serve as the basis for handling the expenditures. Expenditure of fixed expenses, is approved by the higher authorities to the school funding limits, generally consists of individual single quota. Expenditure standards, it is the state of the status of the financial expenses made by the unified provisions. The difference between them can come from the following three aspects
2005年4月8日,在前往美国的 西北航空公司的航班上,我坐在头 等舱,但我座位上的电视始终打不 开。差不多30来岁的空姐一脸自然 真诚的表情:“真对不起,让你赶上 了,我去给你
目的 探讨两种机型飞行模拟器对飞行员工作能力的影响。方法 检测60名飞行员分别在歼-6、歼-7两种飞行模拟器上完成相同飞行课目时的飞行成绩、附加任务成绩和心率,比较分析
欣德米特创作了大量的中提琴独奏和室内乐作品,提升了中提琴在弦乐家族的地位。本文按照常规乐曲的分析方法分析了其代表作《中提琴奏鸣曲0p.25 No.1》 Hindermeister creat
国际国家财政学会(International Inastituteof Public Finance)是财政科学研究领域的一个国际性组织,1937年成立至今已有五十多年历史。学会总部设在巴黎。它是一个非政府
The functional impact of several long intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) has been characterized in previous studies. However, it is difficult to identify lin