
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinjiajign1323770
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目的:掌握ICU护士对多重耐药菌(MDRO)感染控制知识的认知程度。方法:采用问卷对某三甲医院ICU护士进行多重耐药菌感染控制知识的认知进行调查,并分析调查结果。结果:ICU护士在MDRO感染控制知识的认知得分为(23.52±2.23)分,不同性别、学历、职称护士对多重耐药菌感染控制知识的认知情况无差异,不同年资、培训次数和领导的重视程度对多重耐药菌感染控制知识的认知情况存在差异。结论:ICU护士对多重耐药菌感染控制知识的认知仍需进一步加强,需重点加强相关知识培训,特别是对低年资护士的培训。 Objective: To understand the cognition of ICU nurses on MDRO infection control knowledge. Methods: A questionnaire was used to investigate the cognition of multi-drug resistant infection control knowledge of ICU nurses in a top three hospital and analyze the results. Results: The cognitive score of ICU nurses in MDRO infection control was (23.52 ± 2.23) points. There was no difference in cognition of infection control knowledge of multidrug-resistant bacteria among nurses with different sexes, qualifications and titles. The number of nurses The extent of the leadership’s attention to multi-drug-resistant bacterial infection control knowledge of cognitive differences. Conclusion: The cognition of ICU nurses on the knowledge of multiple drug-resistant bacterial infections needs to be further strengthened. Training on relevant knowledge should be emphasized, especially for nurses with lower seniority.
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