Unbalanced Load Simulation of Electronic Power Transformer in Distribution System

来源 :城市道桥与防洪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Andy_nnu
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A control scheme of electronic power transformer (EPT) in a three-phase four-wire distribution system, which included an input section, an isolating section and an output section, was researched under unbalanced loads. The simple and appropriate control scheme was developed through analyzing the system requirements of the primary side and the load requirements of the secondary side. In the input section, a dual-loop control in synchronous rotating d-q coordinates was introduced, and in the output section, a dual-loop control based on instantaneous output voltage wasused. Load characteristics of EPT were investigated by using Matlab/Simulink software. Simulation results showed that, with the proposed control scheme, the EPT has good performances and the sinusoidal input current and constant output voltage can be realized under both balanced and unbalanced loads.
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技术参数主处理器:TI高性能智能DSP传感器类型:1/1.9英寸CMOS电子快门:1/3~1/100000s;可手动或自动调节最低照度:0.001 Lux/F1.2(彩色模式),0.0001 Lux/F1.2(黑白模式)日夜转
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技术参数型号:IP-FD8400LQ图像传感器:1/3 SONY CMOS传感器镜头:360度全景镜头最低照度:彩色:0.01 Lux@F1.2黑白:0.001 Lux@F1.2;图像引擎:威玎VDIN-PRO快门:1/10000s to 1/2