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并非多此一举公元147年,东汉桓帝要立大将军梁商的女儿为皇后,成婚前特派女官前往梁府为其做了检查。千年之后的今天,有关部门提出要建立婚前体检制度。可是,有人对此表示不解,有人甚至干脆拒绝,并斥之为“多此一举”。难道婚前体检真的是多此一举吗?据报道,济南市政府于1989年8月作出决定,从当年9月至次年5月开展婚前检查 In 147 AD, Huan emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty wanted to establish the daughter of Liang Shu, a general of the Eastern Han Dynasty, as the queen. Before the marriage, the specially appointed female officer went to Liangfu for inspection. Today, thousands of years ago, relevant departments proposed to establish a pre-marital medical examination system. However, some people expressed dissatisfaction with this and some even refused it altogether and denounced it as “overdoing it”. Is it really premarital physical examination it? Reportedly, Jinan City Hall in August 1989 to make a decision from September of the same year to May of the next year to carry out premarital examination
目的 探讨能谱CT在空洞性肺鳞癌与肺脓肿鉴别中的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析15例空洞性肺鳞癌患者和24例肺脓肿患者能谱CT增强扫描的碘基伪彩图,测量平扫、动脉期、静脉期实性
目的 分析我国不同地区(包括省、市、自治区、直辖市)重点监控合理用药药品与管理政策.方法 以重点监控、合理用药等为关键词,检索各地区卫生健康部门网站和政府官网,下载整
湖南省古丈县系肺吸虫病流行区,经调查证实其第一中间宿主有拟钉螺(Triculasp)、中国小豆螺(Bythinella chinensis liu etzhang)、中国秋吉螺(Akiyoshia chinese)等。最近又