Improving the Quality of Crowdsourced Image Labeling via Label Similarity

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dec-87
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Crowdsourcing is an effective method to obtain large databases of manually-labeled images, which is especially important for image understanding with supervised machine leing algorithms. However, for several kinds of tasks re-garding image labeling, e.g., dog breed recognition, it is hard to achieve high-quality results. Therefore, further optimizing crowdsourcing workflow mainly involves task allocation and result inference. For task allocation, we design a two-round crowdsourcing framework, which contains a smart decision mechanism based on information entropy to determine whether to perform the second round task allocation. Regarding result inference, after quantifying the similarity of all labels, two graphical models are proposed to describe the labeling process and corresponding inference algorithms are designed to further improve the result quality of image labeling. Extensive experiments on real-world tasks in Crowdflower and syn-thesis datasets were conducted. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of these methods in comparison with state-of-the-art methods.
目的对肾动脉动态增强磁共振血管造影的诊断价值作一初步评估.方法选择18例疑有肾动脉疾病患者进行DCE MRA检查.20 ml Gd-DTPA造影剂经肘静脉快速注射后,采用FSPGR序列在一次
患者 男 ,37岁。诉臀部及左下腹肿物 5年 ,近期增大明显并有下腹及左下肢疼痛。体检 :消瘦面容 ,腹膨隆 ,左侧腹部、盆腔及臀部扪及大小约为 2 0cm× 30cm× 35cm肿块 ,质硬 ,不活
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Entity matching (EM) identifies records referring to the same entity within or across databases. Existing meth-ods using structured attribute values (such as di
肾上腺出血在腹部钝性伤中很少见 ,CT检查有助于提高对肾上腺损伤的诊断率。现将CT诊断证实的外伤性肾上腺出血 2例报告如下。例 1 男 ,10岁 ,因从 4m高处摔下 ,腹痛就诊。CT检查 :