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国防定向生的管理将依托学校相关院系实施,按照学校学生管理的要求进行管理。国防定向生在校学习期间,由军队提供全部学费、住宿费和部分生活补助费。国防定向生中的优秀者仍可享受校内设立的其他奖学金。取得攻读本校本专业硕士研究生相应资格的国防定向生,在取得研究生学籍时,由军队负责落实具体工作单位,并办理入伍手续,以军队干部身份深造。未取得攻读本专业硕士研究生相应资格的国防定向生,在取得本科(学上)毕业资格时,即办理入伍手续,到军队工作。学生毕业时在军队当年需求计划的指导下选择工作单位;在规定期限内仍不能落实具体单位的毕业生,军队将在需求计划范围内为其安排工作单位。国防定向 The management of national defense orientation students will be based on the implementation of school-related faculties, in accordance with the requirements of the management of school students to manage. National Defense students in the school during the study, by the army to provide full tuition, accommodation and some living allowance. Outstanding students in the national defense can still enjoy other scholarships set up in the school. In order to obtain the postgraduate student status, the military shall be responsible for the implementation of the specific work units, handle the enlistment procedures and deepen the identity of the army cadres. The national defense students who have not obtained the corresponding qualifications for studying for the master’s degree in this major are required to go through the formalities of enlisting the army and work in the army when they have obtained the qualification of undergraduate (academic) graduation. Under graduation students will be given the choice of work units under the guidance of the Army’s demand plan for that year. Graduates of specific units will still not be able to implement the graduates within the stipulated time limit. The military will arrange work units for them within the requirements plan. Defense orientation
题目:如图所示电路中,当R=5Ω时,安培表A的示数为1A;当R=11Ω时,安培表A的示数为0.5A;则当R=____Ω时,安培表A的示数为0.4A. Title: As shown in the circuit, when R = 5
一、相互吸引的两个轻小物体不一定都带电 [简析]有两种可能:①两轻小物体都带电,且为异种电荷,靠近时相互吸引.②其中一个不带电,另一个带电(正电或负电),彼此靠近时,也会