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芝麻“一株双茎”栽培,就是在芝麻幼苗期摘除主茎顶尖,诱导茎基部叶腋两个腋芽萌发生长,成为两个长势健壮一致的茎枝,变一株单茎为一株双茎的栽培方法。这种栽培方法调整了产量构成因素,充分发挥了单株蒴果因子的增产效应。据栽培实践,双茎栽培单株蒴果增加40%~50%,产量增加27%~35%。该技术特别适合于单秆早熟高产类型品种,在技术上必须掌握以下两点。 1.打顶时间和方法 这是一株双茎栽培成败的关键。春芝麻保留第1对真叶、夏芝麻保留第2对真叶,当保留叶 Sesame “a double stem” cultivation, that is, remove the main stem of sesame seedling at the top, inducing axillary bud stem two axillary buds germinate growth, become two robust stalks grow consistent, become a single stem a double stem Cultivation methods. This cultivation method adjusts the yield components, giving full play to the yield effect of a single capsule factor. According to cultivation practices, double stems per plant increased capsule 40% to 50%, an increase of 27% to 35%. The technology is particularly suitable for single-stalk type of early maturity and high yield, technically must grasp the following two points. 1. Topping time and methods This is the key to the success or failure of a double-stem cultivation. Spring Sesame leaves No. 1 for true leaves, Summer Sesame leaves No. 2 for true leaves, while leaves remain
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鄂87—01是从野生湖南稷子中选育而成的新饲草品种。该品种适应性广,水田、旱地均可种植,生长快,4月上中旬播种,出苗后50天内日均增长1.55厘米,50~80天3.13厘米;再生能 E 87
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