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资金分配运动究竟在再生产及经济运行过程中占据怎样的一个重要位置。这在世界经济学领域里是一个长期以来即存在各派不同看法,但至今在我国尚未引起足够的重视。西方现代经济学原理中的分配理论抽去了对生产关系的分析,构筑在均衡价格理论的基础之上,即劳动、资本、土地、管理等生产要素在国民收入中所占份额的大小取决于它们各自的均衡价格,而分配作为各生产要素投入的价格,也必须在市场上通过价格制度才得以实现。沿着此方向,凯恩斯将分配的意义向前推进一大步,认为依靠分配可以决定社会生产,可以使总供给等于总需求。我 What exactly is the distribution of funds in reproduction and economic operation occupy an important position. This is a long time different view of the various factions in the field of world economics. However, so far our country has not given enough attention. The theory of distribution in the principles of modern western economics takes away the analysis of relations of production and builds on the theory of equilibrium prices, that is, the share of the factors of production such as labor, capital, land and management in the national income depends on Their respective equilibrium prices, and the distribution of inputs as the factors of production, must also be realized in the market through the price system. In this direction, Keynes took a big leap forward in the meaning of distribution, believing that relying on distribution could determine social production, and total supply equal total demand. I
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分手10年的情人找上门,在给风流局长送上香吻的同时,还送上一个致命的紧箍咒。风流局长在解套中剑走偏锋,送给逼婚情人一张“终身粮票”和一座“美丽围城”,然而洞房却设在阎王殿里。2006年3月15日,广西贺州市中级人民法院对原昭平县粮食局局长关灿荣雇凶杀害情妇一案做出判决,4名罪犯中有3人被判死刑。    二送香吻:风流局长旧情复燃埋祸根    2004年1月1日,正在欢度元凰佳节的昭平县粮食局局长关
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