An Unequal Footing Problem in Globalization——Lessons and Implications from Asian Financial Crisis

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Ⅰ.Domestic Problems and the Vulnerability of Developing Countries in Globalization 1. Introduction ①There is no doubt, as many claim, that globalization provides good opportunities for developing countries in terms of capital inflows and technology transfer. What developing countries most lack now is a more freely move towards their economies to meet what they have most: cheap labor. In economic theory, such movement would change, or at least more positively improve the structure of the economic resource endowments of the countries concerned and therefore raise the level of prosperity. I. Domestic Problems and the Vulnerability of Developing Countries in Globalization 1. Introduction ① There is no doubt, as many claims, that globalization provides good opportunities for developing countries in terms of capital inflows and technology transfer. What developing countries most lack now is a more freely move towards their economies to meet what they have most: cheap labor. In economic theory, such movement would change, or at least more positively improve the structure of the economic resource endowments of the countries concerned and therefore raise the level of prosperity.
临床常规药物硝酸甘油可用于心绞痛的治疗,其不足之处就是起效时间太短。目前,来自于德国的科学家与 Duke 大学医学中心 HowardHughes 医学研究所(HHMI)的研究人员们共同开
在影视作品和武侠小说中,我们常常会看到对镖局的各种演绎和描写。镖局被披上了一层神秘的面纱,似乎充满着无穷的玄机。真实的保镖生涯其实不如我们想象中那般简单和有趣,它有着各种规矩和不为人知的生存之道,危险而辛苦。  镖局原来是标行  在中国古代,驿站是唯一成系统的邮发运输机构,可驿站是专门为朝廷押送一些来往信件物品的,而对于民间的一些商业往来,便没有一个安全的保障机构。所以到了明末清初,镖局就因为日常
第五届方正莲花节一改往日旧面孔,今年唱“新戏”,通过“扩大旅游宣传,开拓客源市场”这个主题,一节变多节,用6天时间开展系列庆典及经贸洽谈和项目签约活动。 The 5th Fou