Establishment Method of a Mixture Model and Its Practical Application for Transmission Gears in an E

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cccqyu
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Highly versatile machines,such as wheel loaders,forklifts,and mining haulers,are subject to many kinds of working conditions,as well as indefinite factors that lead to the complexity of the load.The load probability distribution function (PDF) of transmission gears has many distributions centers; thus,its PDF cannot be well represented by just a single-peak function.For the purpose of representing the distribution characteristics of the complicated phenomenon accurately,this paper proposes a novel method to establish a mixture model.Based on linear regression models and correlation coefficients,the proposed method can be used to automatically select the best-fitting function in the mixture model.Coefficient of determination,the mean square error,and the maximum deviation are chosen and then used as judging criteria to describe the fitting precision between the theoretical distribution and the corresponding histogram of the available load data.The applicability of this modeling method is illustrated by the field testing data of a wheel loader.Meanwhile,the load spectra based on the mixture model are compiled.The comparison results show that the mixture model is more suitable for the description of the load-distribution characteristics.The proposed research improves the flexibility and intelligence of modeling,reduces the statistical error and enhances the fitting accuracy,and the load spectra complied by this method can better reflect the actual load characteristic of the gear component.
为加速自治区花卉产业发展 ,改善我区花卉生产起步晚、经营水平低、技术设备落后、技术成果转化率低的态势 ,自治区林业局、自治区花卉协会将与新疆天林牧业畜产品贸易中心合
近日 ,自治区绿化委员会、财政厅、建设厅、铁路局、水利厅、农业厅、外经贸厅、林业局八个委厅局 ,联合下发了《关于筹备参加第五届中国花卉博览会的通知》。第五届中国花卉