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从堆料场地弄取料,可以得到温度较低的骨料,这是一项普遍采用的降温措施。因为砂石骨料本身的导热系数低,而堆料又因颗粒间有许多孔隙,进一步提高了它的绝热性能。当料堆比较高大时,其内部就很少受外温的影响,即时温度大体上就是来料的平均温度。而当堆存较久时,料堆内部温度基本上保持在月平均气温上下。虽然有的地区的日温差很大,但因堆场的降温均衡作用,可使混凝土的浇筑温度在夏季略低于月平均气温,从而有利于高温时刻的砼施工。国内外的许多水电站工程,广泛对堆场采取防晒、喷雾、喷水等措施收到良好的降温效果。利用料层的绝热保温性能,降低太阳辐射和外温对内部深层骨料的影响,这仅仅是利用堆场的一个方面。根据堆场特点,可在其内部进行人工冷却,既可借料层的保温性能减少冷 To get material from the stockyard, you can get a lower temperature aggregate, which is a commonly used cooling measures. Because the thermal conductivity of sandstone aggregates is low, and because there are many pores between the particles in the stack, it further improves its thermal insulation properties. When the stock pile is tall, its interior is rarely affected by the external temperature, and the instantaneous temperature is generally the average temperature of the incoming material. When the stockpiles are longer, the internal temperature of the stockpile is basically maintained above and below the monthly average temperature. Although some regions have large daily temperature differences, due to the cooling effect of the yard, the pouring temperature of concrete can be slightly lower than the monthly mean temperature in the summer, which is conducive to the construction of concrete at high temperatures. Many hydropower projects at home and abroad have widely adopted measures such as sun protection, spraying, and water spraying on the yard to receive good cooling effect. The use of the thermal insulating properties of the material layer to reduce the influence of solar radiation and external temperature on the internal deep-layer aggregates is just one aspect of using the yard. According to the characteristics of the yard, artificial cooling can be performed in the interior, which can reduce the heat insulation performance of the borrow layer
《边城》还在。  边城还在。石板街、吊脚楼、田家宗祠也还在……这些景致被大师的眼光定格成永恒。游客一天天多起来,他们寻觅着烧烤的小吃桌,寻觅着阁楼的夕照,金珮银饰中很少再有人问起渡口的翠翠和闯滩的傩送。更加热闹的氛围让我的心寂寞寒冷起来:世人开始淡漠花落的声音,也在开始淡漠花开的声音,这是怎么样一种失落?我不和谐于如今这样喧嚣的人群,乘着月光的空隙,再次拜读先生的《边城》。  不收钱的摆渡爷爷,为
新年依始 ,福建省农机监理工作就紧锣密鼓地进行了。元月 ,省农机监理所 (下称省所 )就安全监理工作下发了闽农机监 [2 0 0 2 ]1号、2号及 3号文 ,要求下属各设区市县农机监
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