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市场经济的运行,高新科学技术的渗透,改革开放的推动,为发展中的中国农业注入了新的活力。一个以高效农业为主旋律的农业产业压热潮已经形成。然而,迎面而来的是品种、种植、贮藏、加工、销售难题。面对竞争激烈的市场,农民“卖难”问题日渐突出如何看待和解决这一难题,增加农民收入,是摆在各级政府和职能部门面前的一项重大任务。 除了强化贮藏保鲜、市场调研和深加工能力外,最根本的就是在提高果菜品质上狠下功夫,创造更多的名优产品推动市场的运行。为了实现推动市场的目标,《中国果菜》杂志联合国内20家新闻媒体和有关部门在全国范围内组织开展“2002年中国百姓最喜爱的世纪果王、菜王选评活动。” The operation of the market economy, the infiltration of high-tech science and technology and the promotion of reform and opening up have injected new vitality into the developing Chinese agriculture. An upsurge in the agricultural industry featuring high-efficiency agriculture has taken shape. However, on the face of variety, planting, storage, processing and marketing problems. In the face of a highly competitive market, the issue of peasant “selling difficulties” has become increasingly prominent. How to treat and solve this problem and increase the peasants’ income is a major task for all levels of government and functional departments. In addition to strengthening the preservation of storage, market research and deep processing capabilities, the most fundamental is to improve the quality of fruits and vegetables make great efforts to create more famous products to promote the operation of the market. To achieve the goal of promoting the market, “China Fruits and Vegetables” magazine organized 20 media and related departments in the United Nations nationwide to carry out the “2002 Favorite Chinese King Fruit and Vegetable Selection Campaign by Chinese people.”
目的:用高效液相色谱法建立通宣理肺丸中黄芩苷的含量。方法:采用Diamonsil C18柱,流动相为:甲醇-水-磷酸-三乙胺(47:53:0.3:0.02),流速为1.0 ml/min,检测波长为278 nm。结果
目的 通过确实的临床数据阐明阑尾炎预后与手术时间的关系.方法 对717例阑尾炎病例进行回顾性分析.结果 腹痛发作24 h内手术的患者同24 h后手术的患者在阑尾炎的病程进展、住院时间、并发症发生率方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 尽早明确阑尾炎诊断和及时手术是缩短阑尾炎的病程及减少术后的并发症的重要途径。
妊娠哺乳期乳腺癌发病年龄轻,临床表现和诊断方法与一般乳腺癌相同,但常延迟诊断,分期较晚,带来不良预后。现就妊娠哺乳期乳腺癌(pregnancy-associated breast cancer,PABC)
我省原始林资源日趋枯竭 ,人工林资源尚处雉形 ,难以持续利用 ,对次生林的培育经营已被推至首位。而我省次生林总面积占有林地的58 %以上 ,其中以杨桦林为主的次生林分占次生林