Formation and Evolution of Vertisols in Huaibei Plain

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqlcug
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The objectives of the present paper are to restore soil-forming environment of the Vertisols, to reveal their regularities of formation and evolution and to found soil chronology. In regard to formation and evolution of the Vertisols in the Huaibei Plain, they have undergone 3 cycles of deposition-formation during different geologic time (Q33; Q42 and Q43 ). Therefore, they are considered as the soils developed on heterogeneous parent material. The Vertisols as a paleosol can be divided into relict Vertisols and buried Vertisols. The former is shajiang black soils called by local people, the latter is shajiang black soils underlying Warp soil or warp soil horizon. The objectives of the present paper are to restore soil-forming environment of the Vertisols, to reveal their regularities of formation and evolution and to found soil chronology. In regard to formation and evolution of the Vertisols in the Huaibei Plain, they have undergone 3 cycles Of deposition-formation during different geologic time (Q33; Q42 and Q43). Thus, they are considered as the soils developed on heterogeneous parent material. The Vertisols as a paleosol can be divided into relict Vertisols and buried Vertisols. The former is shajiang black soils called by local people, the latter is shajiang black soils underlying Warp soil or warp soil horizon.
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