兴奋剂 阿姆斯特朗

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在所有体育项目中,职业自行车运动可能是与兴奋剂关系最暧昧的一个了。各种层出不穷的兴奋剂丑闻对于职业自行车运动来说,经常像野草一样繁密和绵延难绝。近年来,在侵蚀职业自行车运动的这片兴奋剂泥潭中,总是跳动着一个最活跃的幽灵,它就是臭名昭著的EPO。对于自行车运动来说, In all sports, professional cycling is probably the most ambitious one with doping. Various doping scandals that are constantly emerging are often as dense and unfinished as weeds for professional cycling. In recent years, one of the most ghostly creatures ever beating in this drenched stimulus to eroding professional cycling is the notorious EPO. For cycling,
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