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沉寂了4年之久的“万点论”重出江湖,在股市上掀起了一股“板砖风”。近日,东北证券在其发布的策略报告中非常煽情地乐观预测:“基于我国居民资产配置结构正发生趋势性拐点变化的判断,再结合经济背景及美、日、韩经验,我们认为,未来10~15年将可能是A股市场投资的黄金时期,大胆猜测,上证综指1万点也只是其中一个波段,该轮牛市的高点将可能是未来几十年再难企及的顶部,错过了该段时期,将可能再无如此长期系统性的大幅上升机会。”投资领域里总是不乏传说。其实,在A股大盘冲击3000点的时候,“万点论”重出江湖,细想之,并无任何值得大惊小怪之处。市场行情只要一好转,必定会有人煽情唱多,这也是情理之中的事情。还记得2007年,也有人叫嚣“万点论”、“十年牛市”这些曾经“激动人心”的言论,结果是2008股市开始大调整,大盘从6124点跌到了1664点,当年各方看好的“万点论”最终换来了A股史上罕见的一轮熊市,众多股民损失惨重。血的教训还没有淡去,卷土重来的“万点论”一露头便遭遇强 Silence of 4 years “million points theory ” came back to the world, set off in the stock market “brick style ”. Recently, Northeast Securities in its strategy report issued very optimistic and optimistic forecast: “Based on the Chinese residential assets allocation structure is undergoing a turning point in the trend of change judgments, combined with the economic background and the United States, Japan and South Korea experience, we believe that the future 10 to 15 years may be the golden age of investment in A-share market, bold speculation that the Shanghai Composite Index is only one of the 10 million band, the bull market will likely be the top of the next few decades to reach the top of the reluctance, missed During this period, there may be no such long-term and systematic ascent opportunities. ”There is always no shortage of legends in the field of investment. In fact, when the impact of A-share market hit 3,000 points, “million points theory ” re-enter the world, think of it, there is no place worth the fuss. As long as the market conditions a turn for the better, there will be some people to sing more sensational, this is also the reason among things. Also remember that in 2007, there were also people who shout at the “10,000 Point Theory” and “Ten Year Bull Markets” that once had “exciting” statements. As a result, the stock market started to make major adjustments in 2008 and the broader market dropped from 6124 points to 1664 points At the same time, the “10,000 Points Theory” favored by all parties ended up as a rare bear market in the history of A-shares, and many shareholders suffered heavy losses. Lessons have not faded blood, comeback “million points theory ” an outcrop will encounter strong
据《Communications Znternational》一九八八年5月刊报道:PEB 2090芯片是一种回波对消电路。该电路的适用距离如下:用0.4mm的导线时为5:4km,用0.6mm的电缆时为9.5km以上。