Microstructure evolution and formation mechanism of laser-ignited SHS joining between C_f/Al composi

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lin901102
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In this study, C_f/Al composites and TiAl alloys were joined by a new method named laser-ignited selfpropagating synthesis(SHS). Mixed powders of 63.0Ni-31.9Al-5.1Ti(wt%) were used as joining interlayer.Perfect joint was got. The microstructure evolution and formation mechanism of the SHS joint were investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy(EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). Results show that localized melting occurs on both sides. One γ-Ni_(0.35)Al_(0.30)Ti_(0.35) and two Ni-Al reaction layers form,respectively, in the TiAl/interlayer and C_f/Al/interlayer interfaces. The combustion of Ni-Al-Ti interlayer begins with the sharp reaction of Ni and Al. The interlayer product is a eutectic organization of NiAl and Al-rich γ. In this study, C_f / Al composites and TiAl alloys were joined by a new method named laser-ignited selfpropagating synthesis (SHS). Mixed powders of 63.0Ni-31.9Al-5.1Ti (wt%) were used as joining interlayer. Perfecting joint was got. The microstructure evolution and formation mechanism of the SHS joint were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). γ-Ni_ (0.35) Al_ (0.30) Ti_ (0.35) and two Ni-Al reaction layers, respectively, in the TiAl / interlayer and C_f / Al / interlayer interfaces. The combustion of Ni-Al-Ti interlayer begins with the sharp reaction of Ni and Al. The interlayer product is a eutectic organization of NiAl and Al-rich γ.
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