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11月26日,在大河财富(中国)论坛2011年年会上,博鳌亚洲论坛咨询委员会委员、原外经贸部副部长龙永图,用他一贯的缜密思维、严谨语言刮起了一阵“龙旋风”。龙永图说,国务院近年来陆续在全国范围内推出包括中原经济区在 On November 26, at the annual meeting of the Wealth China Forum in 2011, Long Yongtu, member of the BFA Advisory Committee and former vice minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation, used his meticulous thinking and rigorous language to blow up “ Dragon Whirlwind ”. Long Yongtu said that in recent years the State Council has been rolled out across the country including the Central Plains Economic Zone
对自行设计的鞍钢1700连铸连轧(ASP)精轧机组中液压AGC装置的结构特点、性能参数、技术经济指标等进行了简要介绍。 The structural characteristics, performance paramete
中共北京市委十届八次全会通过的《中共北京市委关于制定北京市国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》(以下简称《建议》),在制定发展目标、举措等方面亮点频现。 Pro