
来源 :黑龙江民族丛刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxf_0077
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中国朝鲜族在继承传统的基础上结合在地的生产生活实践形成了别具地域特色的民族传统文化,体现于生产生活、婚丧嫁娶等民俗事项中;随着朝鲜族地区现代化、外向化进程的快速推进,许多传统文化步入濒危消亡状态;各级政府虽然采取若干针对性强的政策措施加大抢救力度,但仍存在保护资金短缺、传承群体断层及专门人才匮乏等问题;针对朝鲜族传统文化保护的现状,应采取加大保护资金筹集力度、加快引进培养专门人才及培育创新保护的社会沃土等,以使朝鲜族传统文化在新常态视域下得到切实有效的传承保护。 On the basis of inheriting the tradition, the Chinese Korean ethnic group formed a national traditional culture with regional characteristics in combination with the practice of production and life in the land, which is embodied in the folk customs such as production and life, wedding and funeral; as the Korean region is modernized and outward-oriented The rapid advance of the process and many traditional cultures have entered the endangered state of extinction. Although all levels of government have adopted some targeted policies and measures to intensify the rescue, there are still some problems such as the protection of funds shortage, the inheritance of group faults and the shortage of specialized personnel. The status quo of ethnic traditional culture protection should be stepped up by raising funds for protection and speeding up the introduction of fertile ground for training specialists and fostering innovative protection so that Korean traditional culture can be effectively and effectively protected and inherited under the new normal.
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全球二次元产业联盟(Global ACGN Industry Alliance,以下简称“ACGN”或“联盟”)在常州动漫周上正式成立。该联盟由中日韩等36家中外企业共同发起,成为中国与全球二次元产
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