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1909年9月,朱侃夫出生在江西省萍乡县城月光塘。1922年,宋侃夫随父到浙江,在杭州市立小学读书,五卅运动后,加入中国国民党。不久,经朱义本介绍加入中国共产主义青年团,任共青团杭州工专特别支部书记。1926年上半年,宋侃夫转为中国共产党党员。红军时期,朱侃夫长期但任电台报务员、处长、局长,对红军通讯联络、电讯建设,侦破敌军军事情报做出了重大贡献。 In 1909 September, Zhu Kanfu was born in Pingxiang County, Jiangxi Province moonlight pond. In 1922, Song Kanfu took his father to Zhejiang and joined the Chinese Kuomintang after studying in Hangzhou Primary School and the Wuyi Movement. Soon after, Zhu Yi-Ben introduced to join the Chinese Communist Youth League, Hangzhou Branch of the Communist Youth League special branch secretary. In the first half of 1926, Song Kanfu became a member of the Chinese Communist Party. In the period of the Red Army, Zhu Kanfu had long served as a radio officer, director and director of the bureau and made a significant contribution to the communication of the Red Army, the telecommunications construction and the detection of military intelligence by the enemy.