Influence of Carbon Content on Strain Hardening Behaviour of Sintered Plain Carbon Steel Preforms

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:william_wng
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Complete experimental investigation on the instantaneous strain hardening behaviour of powder metallurgy(P/M)preforms of pure iron,Fe-0.35%C,Fe-0.75%C and Fe-1.1%C was carried out.The strain hardening behaviour of the above-mentioned P/M sintered steel preforms with aspect ratio of 0.4 under triaxial stress state condition was determined by cold upsetting under nil/no and graphite lubricant conditions.The instantaneous strain hardening value(ni),strength coefficient(Ki),and the stress as a function of strain and densification were obtained and analyzed.Furthermore,a relation was obtained from a semi-log plot of stress against relative density and analyzed to study the hardening behaviour owing to densification as stress was a function of induced strain as well as densification in the P/M materials. Complete experimental investigation on the instantaneous strain hardening behavior of powder metallurgy (P / M) preforms of pure iron, Fe-0.35% C, Fe-0.75% C and Fe- 1.1% C was carried out. The strain hardening behavior of the above -P / M sintered steel preforms with aspect ratio of 0.4 under triaxial stress state condition was determined by cold upsetting under nil / no and graphite lubricant conditions. instantaneous strain hardening value (ni), strength coefficient (Ki), and the stress As a function of strain and densification were obtained and analyzed .Furthermore, a relation was obtained from a semi-log plot of stress against relative density and analyzed to study the hardening behavior due to densification as stress was a function of induced strain as well as densification in the P / M materials.
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