以理服人 切忌武断——读《新闻乎?广告乎?》有感

来源 :新疆新闻界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeanndy
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1987年第5期《新疆新闻界》刊登了一篇《新闻乎?广告乎?》的文章。文虽不长,我却越读越胡涂,越纳闷。文中写道:某报“第二版的下半部刊出了一则广告”,“在该报的第一版右下角又刊载了一条同这则广告一模一样的‘新闻’”。于是乎,作者就发出了“新闻乎?广告乎?”的感叹与诘问。我不明白,为什么在不同版面列登了内容近似的广告与新闻,就使作者“乎乎”起来。这是一。第二,文中写道:“晚报本来版面小,容量不大”,“如果不是走后门,编辑部的用意又何在呢?”这句话的 In the fifth issue of 1987, the “Xinjiang Press” published an article entitled “Aspect of Advertisements”. Although the article is not long, I read more and more vulgar, the more puzzled. The article said: “The second half of a newspaper published an advertisement in the second half of the newspaper,” and “the press” was published in the lower right corner of the first edition of the newspaper in exactly the same way. Ever since, the author has issued the “news almost? Advertising” sighs and questions. I do not understand why listing ads and news with similar content on different pages made the author “pretty” up. this is one. Second, the article wrote: “Evening has a small page layout, small capacity,” “If you do not go back door, the editorial department’s intentions?”
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