Animal Camouflage

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  Concealing Coloration
  Imagine that you are walking through a snowy field. All of sudden, out of the corner of your eye, you see a white thing run past you. It is a snow shoe hare, and you didnt see it until it started moving. The snow shoe hare is one of many animals that use a form of camouflage called concealing coloration. Concealing coloration happens when an animal is colored so that it blends in with its background. In this case, the snow shoe hare is white to blend in with the snow on the ground.
  By disappearing into their surroundings, animals are able to avoid attacks by predators if they remain still or move slowly. In the rainforest, tree frogs are dark green to match the leaves around them.
  Disruptive Coloration
  Did you know that zebras can outsmart lions? When a herd of zebras realizes that a lion is about to attack, they all run together. To the lion, the zebra herd appears as one big black and white mass due to their stripes. The lion cant find a zebra easily.
  Disguise is when animals blend in with their surroundings by looking like another object. An insect that looks like a branch or leaf is using a costume to hide from predators.
  Mimicry is when animals or insects look like other dangerous or poisonous animals or insects. They pretend to be what they are not. The elephant hawk caterpillar raises its head and moves from side to side like snake.
  camouflage /?k?m?flɑ??/ n. 伪装;隐蔽; hare /he?(r)/ n. 野兔;outsmart /a?t?smɑ?t/ v. 比……精明;智胜; herd /h??d/ n. 兽群;牧群;surrounding /s??ra?ndI/ n. 周围的人或物; mass /m?s/ n. 一群;一堆;predator /pred?t?(r)/ n. 剥削者;掠夺者;poisonous /?p?Iz?n?s/ adj. 有毒的
  1. Concealing coloration happens when an animal is colored so that it blends in with its background. 这种形式的伪装只有在动物自身颜色与周围环境相近时才会出现。
  so that意为“以便”,引导目的状语从句;blend in with... 意为“与……协调”。
  【即时尝试】 这件外套和她的肤色很协调。
  2. By disappearing into their surroundings, animals are able to avoid attacks by predators if they remain still or move slowly. 通过将自身颜色融入周围环境,动物们只要保持静止或者缓慢移动就可以避免很多捕食者的攻击。
  by doing sth. 意为“通过做某事”;be able to意为“能”,可用于各种时态,can也意为“能”,但只用于一般现在时和一般过去时;avoid (doing) sth. 意为“避免(做)某事”。
  【即时尝试】 李雷将能通过这次英语考试。   _________________________________________________________________________________
  3. To the lion, the zebra herd appears as one big black and white mass due to their stripes. 在狮子看来,斑马群就像一个巨大的黑白相间的怪物。
  to sb. 意为“对于某人来说”;appear as... 意为“以……出现”;due to意为“由于”。
  【即时尝试】 由于暴风雨,他来晚了。
  4. An insect that looks like a branch or leaf is using a costume to hide from predators. 昆虫会变得很像一根树枝或者一片树叶来躲避捕食者。
  that looks like a branch or leaf是定语从句,用于修饰先行词insect;use sth. to do sth. 意为“使用某物做某事”;hide from意为“躲着某人”。
  【即时尝试】 他经常躲着他的老朋友。
There is a poor student living in a small town. He has very little money and has to live in a small room near a restaurant. His room is near the kitchen. The restaurant owner is a very selfish man. No
亲爱的读者朋友们,大家好!《考试与评价》(新目标八年级版)将继续陪伴同学们八年级的学习与生活,在此感谢老朋友们对我们一如既往地支持,也热烈欢迎新朋友在新的一年里加入我们的行列,让我们在求知的道路上携手前行!  本刊以英语“四位一体”教学法为指导思想,坚持“循序渐进、阶段侧重、精讲精练、实用高效”的编辑宗旨,贯彻“宽、严、精、美、新”的编辑方针。我们定位于辅导考试,内容与教学同步,以加强双基为主线,
few, a few, quite a few三者都用来修饰可数名词,但意义不同。  few意为“几乎没有”,带有否定含义。  He is lonely and has few friends here. 他很孤独,在这儿几乎没有朋友。  Very few students learn Latin now. 现在学拉丁语的学生少得很。  a few意为“有几个”,带有肯定意义。  A few of
1. because conj. (引导原因状语从句)  He didnt go to school yesterday because he was ill. 他昨天没去学校,因为他病了。  He is called Mitch, because his name is Mitchell. 人们叫他米奇,因为他名叫米切尔。  2. because of prep.  Shes worried b
1. How long表示“时间多久;物体多长”。表示时间侧重指“一段时间”。针对How long的回答一般是时间段,如for three days, three years, about two weeks等。  —How long have you been employed at this job? 你受雇做这个工作有多久了?  —For about three years. 三年了。  H
一个英语单词可以分为三个部分:前缀(prefix),词根(stem)及后缀(suffix)。单词中位于词根前面的部分就是前缀。前缀,可以改变单词的意思。  前缀  常见的前缀有如下几类:第一类表示正负(或增减),如:un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, mis-, mal-, dis-, anti-, de-, under-, re-, over-等;第二类表示尺寸,如:s
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1. keep用作及物动词,意为“保存;保留;保持;保守;记(日记、帐等)”。  Could you keep these letters for me, please? 你能替我保存这些信吗?  Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗?  She keeps a diary every day. 她坚持每天记日记。  keep还有“使……保持(某种状态、位置或动作等)”的意