Content-Related Repairing of Inconsistencies in Distributed Data

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a83017396
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Conditional functional dependencies (CFDs) are a critical technique for detecting inconsistencies while they may ignore some potential inconsistencies without considering the content relationship of data. Content-related conditional functional dependencies (CCFDs) are a type of special CFDs, which combine content-related CFDs and detect potential inconsistencies by putting content-related data together. In the process of cleaning inconsistencies, detection and repairing are interactive: 1) detection catches inconsistencies, 2) repairing corrects caught inconsistencies while may bring new incon-sistencies. Besides, data are often fragmented and distributed into multiple sites. It consequently costs expensive shipment for inconsistencies cleaning. In this paper, our aim is to repair inconsistencies in distributed content-related data. We propose a framework consisting of an inconsistencies detection method and an inconsistencies repairing method, which work iteratively. The detection method marks the violated CCFDs for computing the inconsistencies which should be repaired preferentially. Based on the repairing-cost model presented in this paper, we prove that the minimum-cost repairing using CCFDs is NP-complete. Therefore, the repairing method heuristically repairs the inconsistencies with minimum cost. To improve the e?ciency and accuracy of repairing, we propose distinct values and rules sequences. Distinct values make less data shipments than real data for communication. Rules sequences determine appropriate repairing sequences to avoid some incorrect repairs. Our solution is proved to be more effective than CFDs by empirical evaluation on two real-life datasets.
患者 ,女 ,15岁。以病毒性肝炎 ,上腹包块 ,急性黄疸住院。CT检查示 :肝脏稍显饱满 ,肝左、右叶及肝门部见多发球形、梭形液体密度影 ,CT值 7~ 15HU ,大小不等 ,壁光滑 ,肝门部一巨
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手术所见 :切开肾区周围腹膜 ,游离肾脏后见右肾内上后方 ,脊柱旁、下腔静脉后方有一约 4cm× 2 .5cm大小肿物 ,粗针穿刺抽得脓样物 ,送检 ;切除肿物。因胆囊内有结石且呈慢性炎