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2月17日至18日,中组部副部长、中央创先争优活动领导小组成员兼办公室主任王秦丰深入我省农村、社区、企业、学校和窗口单位,调研在创先争优活动中开展基层组织建设年工作,并在昌召开调研座谈会。王秦丰同志在会上作了重要讲话,对我省前一阶段的创先争优活动和基层组织建设年工作给予充分肯定,并对下一步工作提出了要求。这一讲话主题明确,内涵丰富,具有很强的针对性、指导性和可操作性。现将王秦丰同志2月18日在座谈会上的讲话予以刊发,希望各地各部门各单位认真学习领会,结合实际抓好贯彻落实。 From February 17 to February 18, Wang Qinfeng, Vice Minister of the Central Organization Department and member of the Leading Group and An Office of the CPC Central Committee for Creating Excellent Activities advanced deeply into the rural areas, communities, enterprises, schools and window units in our province. Grass-roots organizations to build the work, and Chang held a research seminar. Comrade Wang Qinfeng made an important speech at the meeting, fully affirmed the activity of creating excellence and building the grassroots organizations in the previous phase of our province, and put forward requirements for the next step. The theme of this speech is clear, rich in connotation, with strong pertinence, guidance and operability. Now, Comrade Wang Qinfeng delivered his speech at the forum on February 18, hoping all departments and units across the country would conscientiously study and comprehend, and do a good job of implementing it in light of the actual situation.
Considering the discontinuous characteristics of sea ice on various scales,a modified discrete element model(DEM)for sea ice dynamics is developed based on the
The phytoplankton water samples were collected in two multidisciplinary investigations which were carried out during summer(June) and autumn(November to Decembe
For the application of soil moisture and ocean salinity(SMOS)remotely sensed sea surface salinity(SSS)products,SMOS SSS global maps and error characteristics ha
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In order to elucidate the genetic mechanism of growth traits in turbot during ontogeny, developmental genetic analysis of the body weights, total lengths, stand
摘要: 《电子技术基础》这门课不论在中职教育还是在高职教育中都占有很重要的地位,属于专业理论课,对于后续教学的影响很大,所以增强教学效果非常重要,将实践引入理论课堂是一种有效的方式。  关键词: 理论教学实践教学《电子技术基础》    《电子技术基础》侧重于电子基础知识的学习,包括模拟电路和数字电路,教材通常采用张龙兴主编的《电子技术基础》(第二版),学习整本书需要一年的时间,前一部分为模拟电路部