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“戰爭教育了人民,人民將赢得戰爭,赢得和平,又赢得進步。”——毛澤東中国共產黨领导中国人民,在一九三七年至一九四五年的八年间,經過了極為艰險、曲折和複雜的鬥爭道路,進行了英勇的勝利的抗日戰爭,最後配合盟國特别是蘇聯的對日作戰,打败了日本法西斯侵略者。中國共產黨從這一偉大的愛國戰爭中,動員、組織與教育了廣大人民,大大地增强了人民民主的力量,為以後中國人民大革命的勝利,打下了坚强的基礎。偉大的抗日戰爭,對於中国人民是一个嚴重的历史考驗。戰爭不僅锻炼了人民,鍛鍊了人民軍隊,並且也鍛鍊了中國共產黨。在以馬克思、列寧主義舆中国革命具體實踐相結合的毛澤東思想的指導之下,中国共產黨在抗日戰爭中發展與豐富了中国革命的經驗,特别是關於統一战线,武裝鬥爭和黨的建設的經驗,在政治上、思想上進一步布而塞維克化,在組織上更加壯大起來,成為在全國人民中最有威信的卓越的領導者。中國人民根據切身的經驗,完全懂得:沒有中國共產黨的領導,就不可能取得抗日戰爭的勝利;沒有中國共產黨就沒有中國人民的一切。 “The war educated people, the people will win the war, win the peace, and make progress. ” - Mao Zedong, the Chinese Communist Party, led the Chinese people in the eight years from 1937 to 1945 through extremely difficult War, twists and turns and complex routes of struggle. They conducted heroic victories in the Anti-Japanese War and finally defeated Japan's fascist invaders in cooperation with the allies, especially the Soviet Union in fighting Japan. From this great patriotic war, the Chinese Communist Party mobilized, organized and educated the broad masses of people, greatly enhanced the people's democratic power and laid a firm foundation for the victory of the Chinese People's Great Revolution in the future. The great war of resistance against Japan is a grave historical test for the Chinese people. The war not only tempered the people, forged the people's army, but also forged the Chinese Communist Party. Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, a combination of concrete practice of Marxism and Leninism in the Chinese revolution, the Chinese Communist Party has developed and enriched its experience in the Anti-Japanese War, especially its experience on the united front, the armed struggle and the party building In the political and ideological fields, it has further weathered the cloth, and has become more and more organized. It has become the most prestigious and outstanding leader among the people throughout the country. Based on their own experience, the Chinese people fully understand that without the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan would not be achieved. Without the Chinese Communist Party, there would be no such thing as the Chinese people.
重庆市酉阳县第三中学校始建于1957年,是一所集初、高中教育为一体的县直属完全中学。学校占地55 800平方米,校舍建筑总面积34 000多平方米,现有42个教学班,在校学生3400人,
我省今年对农村劳动力弱而生活困难的烈属、军属、革命残废军人优待劳动日或优待金工作,在各级党委正确领导和重视下,抓得早、抓得紧,已普遍评定落实到户,仅 This year, th
中国人民解放军军官服役条例已由中华人民共和国第一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会于一九五五年二月八日第六次会议通过,现予公布。 The regulations on the service of of
现将“安徽省民兵事业费开支标准和管理办法”发给你们,自一九六一年十月一日起执行。在此以前有关民兵事业费开支的各项规定,与此有抵触者,一律按此执行。 We hereby pres