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山东省自动化研究所是山东省从事自动化应用开发技术研究的综合性研究所,隶属于山东省科学院。它以工业自动化技术的研究开发为主体,以微机应用为核心,在智能仪表、过程控制、自动化管理、机电一体化等领域,具有一定特色。1984年初,在“经济建设必须依靠科学技术,科学技术工作必须面向经济建设”的战略方针指引下,该所结合科技体制改革,在科研方向调整的基础上,实行了有组织、有领导的优化组合和科技经济承包制,在科技开发型研究所如何发展的问题上做了一些探索。我们的基本做法是:首先,对现有科技人员进 Shandong Institute of Automation is engaged in automation research and development of Shandong Province Institute of Technology integrated research institute, under the Shandong Academy of Sciences. It is the industrial automation technology research and development as the main body to the computer application as the core, in the smart instrumentation, process control, automation management, mechanical and electrical integration and other fields, has a certain characteristics. In early 1984, guided by the strategic principle of “economic construction must rely on science and technology and scientific and technological work must be geared towards economic development”, the institute, in combination with the reform of the scientific and technological system, adjusted the direction of scientific research and implemented an organized and directed optimization Combination and technology economic contract system, in the development of science and technology research institute how to do some exploration. Our basic approach is: First of all, to the existing scientific and technical personnel into
病例报道  一 临床资料 患者 ,林×× ,男 ,46岁。发现在颈部包块 1月余。 10天前无意中又发现右颈部也长一包块来院。查体 :无声嘶及呛咳 ,一般情况良好 ,无消瘦及贫血
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