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如果放射线直接照射人或动物就会诱发癌症,妊娠期的妇女遭受辐照会引起胎儿畸形和流产,这是许多人所知道的。那么,父母受放射线辐照后,其子孙后代也会畸形或致癌吗?不久前,英国塞拉弗尔德核燃料再处理厂传出了令人惊骇的坏消息:在该厂工作的父亲其子女中许多人都患白血病,证实放射线能引起后代的畸形或癌症。这一消息迅速传遍世界,在国际上引起 It is known to many that if cancer is induced by direct exposure of humans or animals to radiation, exposure of pregnant women to radiation can cause fetal malformations and abortion. So, parents irradiated by radiation, its future generations will be deformity or carcinogen? Not long ago, the United Kingdom Serrafil nuclear fuel reprocessing plant came out the horrifying bad news: the father of the plant working in their children Many people suffer from leukemia, confirming that radiation can cause deformities or cancers in offspring. The news spread rapidly around the world, caused by the international community
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