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人们不会忘记在中国共产党的创建和党的早期事业发展过程中有这样一位使者,他时而深入工人群众之中,时而穿梭于北京与上海之间,时而来往于中国共产党与共产国际之间,为使中国共产党早日成立,而日夜奔波操劳.这位使者就是受共产国际指派担任共产国际代表维经斯基的翻译和助手的杨明斋.杨明斋为中国共产党的创建和党的早期事业的发展做出过极其重要的贡献.然而,他的晚年却过着凄凉、孤独、寂寞的生活.1927年,蒋介石、汪精卫相继叛变革命,致使轰轰烈烈的以国共合作为基础的第一次大革命遭到了失败.在大革命失败的血雨腥风中,杨明斋陷入了极度的悲痛之中,但他没有因革命失败而对革命丧失信心,开始对中国革命进行新的理性思考,对以陈独秀为首的中共中央领导人所推行的政治路线、策略方针和共产国际关于中国革命的指导原则产生了怀疑.为找到答案,他集中精力从事理论研究,试图找到一条适合中国国情的革命道路.他经常废寝忘食,夜以继日,终于在1929年底完成和出版了《中国社会改造原理》的理论巨著.1930年春,杨明斋为向共产国际阐明关于中国革命的观点,决定再次赴苏联.到达苏联后,为了便于向共产国际陈述他在《中国社会改造原理》一书中 People will never forget that during the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the early career development of the Party there was such an ambassador who sometimes went deep into the working masses and shuttled between Beijing and Shanghai from time to time and from time to time between the Communist Party of China and the Comintern , To work day and night for the early establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, Yang Mingzhai, who was commissioned by the Communist International to serve as the interpreter and assistant to Vichy Szyki, the Communist International, who worked for the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the development of the Party’s early career However, in his later years, he lived a desolate, lonely and lonely life. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei successively turned their hearts to defeat the revolution. As a result, the first great revolution based on the KMT-CPC cooperation failed. In the bloody, failed bloody revolution, Yang Mingzhai plunged into extreme grief. However, he did not lose his confidence in the revolution because of the failure of the revolution and began a new rational thinking of the Chinese revolution. He expressed his concern about the fact that the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China led by Chen Duxiu, The political lines, strategic directions and the Comintern guiding principles on the Chinese revolution have cast doubt on it. In order to find out the answer, he concentrated his energies on theoretical research and tried to find a revolutionary path that suited China’s national conditions.He often went to bed overnight and night after day, and finally completed and published the theoretical masterpiece of “The Theory of Social Transformation in China” by the end of 1929. In the spring of 1930, Yang Mingzhai To clarify the viewpoints of the Communist International about the Chinese revolution and decide to go to the Soviet Union again, and after arriving in the Soviet Union, in order to make it easier for him to state that he is in the book “Principles of Social Transformation in China”
财政专项资金,是指上级财政部门会同有关主管部门下达,以及市县各级政府安排用于社会管理、公共事业发展、社会保障、经济建设以及政策补贴等方面具有指定用途的资金。 Spec
本文初步提出了人体运动内、外部关系的假设,试图从研究能量——肌肉收缩——人体机械运动的关系,来加强人体运动能量的研究,使运动生物力学理论得到深化。 In this paper,