妙手绘春天 汗水灌绿荫——记南昌市第二医院整形中心显微手外科

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镊子、针线比胎毛还要细,肉眼绝对看不清,手术台置于显微镜下,人必须连续十几二十个小时紧张工作且精力高度集中,既不能打盹,更不能睡觉……如此之大的劳动强度、如此精细的功夫,人们甚至不相信这是医生干的事情。然而,这千真万确是显微手外科医生司空见惯的力气活。正是因为他们的吃苦耐劳,因为他们的妙手绝活,离断了的手指、分开了的手掌、断开了的前臂经再植手术终而被接上,恢复了形状和功能,可以想象,患者及其亲人因为肢体的再造和再生,免去了截肢和残废的精神痛苦,会是多么的欣喜若狂。日复一日,往复循环,这些白衣天使总是这么挥洒辛勤的汗水,默默地给一个又一个患者送去生活的希望。有点令人不解的是,致力为病人解除这方面痛苦的是一家规模一般的市级医院,他们开设显微手外专科才两个多月,已经不声不响地做了十几例这样的手术,无论指掌腕完全离断与否,术后肢体基本成活,成功率在90%以上,虽然算不上什么奇迹,但他们凭 The tweezers and needles are even thinner than the baby’s hair. The naked eye is definitely not clear. The operating table is placed under a microscope. People must work ten to twenty hours in a row and have a high concentration of energy. They can neither nap nor sleep. With labor intensity and so much effort, people do not even believe that this is what doctors do. However, this is truly a common practice for microscopic hand surgeons. It was precisely because of their hard work, because of their skill, the broken fingers, the separated palms, the broken forearms were reattached to the end of the replantation procedure, and the shape and function were restored. It is conceivable that the patient The comrades and their loved ones are exhilarated because of the reconstruction and regeneration of their limbs, which eliminates the mental pain of amputation and disability. Day after day, the reciprocating cycle, these white angels always so hard sweat, silently give patients one after another the hope of life. What is somewhat puzzling is that the efforts to relieve the pain of patients in this area is a large-scale municipal hospital. They have set up specialized microsurgery specialists for more than two months. They have quietly done more than a dozen such cases. The surgery, regardless of the complete separation of the wrists and wrists, and the survival of the limbs after surgery, has a success rate of over 90%. Although it is not a miracle, they are
采用硝酸铝-比色法测定肉苁蓉中苯乙醇甙的含量。该法操作简便、灵敏,结果准确。平均回收率100.7%(n=5),变异系数(CV)为1.09%。 The aluminum nitrate-colorimetric method wa
中药防风为伞形科防风属植物 Sapos-hnikovia divaticata(Turcz)Schis-chk 的干燥根。防风是一种常用中药,主产黑龙江省西部草原,素有“小蒿防风”之称,产量大,质量佳。历年
作者对埃及的文殊兰属Crinum植物作了系统的化学考察,报道了从文殊兰C.augus-turn Rox和鳞茎文殊兰C.bulbispermum Milne中分离的五种较少的石蒜科生物碱:6α-羟基文殊兰碱6