Unit 5 The silver screen课本要点精练

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  Ⅰ. 单词拼写。
  1. Mery Streep was a famous actress.
   When she was still a student, she played r___________in many plays.
  2. This film is for a________only. Children mustn’t watch it.
  3. Zhang Yimou is a famous d_________in China.
  4. War started again after eight years of p________.
  5. A p_________school is the first school you go to.
  6. After they got married, they had many years of________(幸福).
  7. He really could not marry her—it would mean the end of his________(事业).
  8. She wants to study________(戏剧) and become an actress.
  9. Zhao Benshan wrote the________(脚本) for the TV play Liu Laogen himself.
  10. A________(生物) is anything that is alive.
  Ⅱ. 单项选择。
  从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  11. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.________I got wet through.
  A. It’s the reason B. That’s why
  C. There’s why D. It’s how
  12. Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can’t remember .
  A. where B. there
  C. which D. that
  13. The high building________stand two guards is the police station.
  A. which B. that C. in front of it D. in front of which
  14. Is this farm________you visited the other day?
  A. which B. where
  C. that D. the one
  15. Her mother________an important part in that film.
  A. made B. played
  C. brought D. joined
  16. My father has gone to Shanghai. I’ll________for a few days.
  A. take place B. take a place
  C. take the place D. take his place
  17. I have________flowers than my brother while he has________paper than I.
  A. much more; much more
  B. many more; much more
  C. many more; many more
  D. much more; many more
  18. He worked hard and he was passing the exam.
  A. success in B. succeed in
  C. successfully in D. successful in
  19. Winter is the time of year________the days are short and nights are long.
  A. on which B. that C. when D. where
  20. Charlie Chaplin is known________us________a great actor.
  A. by; forB. to; as
  C. to; forD. by; as
  21. Tom and Mary________in 1998, that is to say, they________for 5 years.
  A. married; have married
  B. have been married; got married
  C. got married; have been married
  D. were married; have married
  22. The two girls are________the same age.
  A. aboutB. ofC. to D. with
  23. Twenty-four is an age fit to get married .
  A. /
  B. in C. at D. for
  24. He stopped short________the beginning of his speech.
  A. during B. at C. in D. of
  25. It’s a long trip and we’ll have to________ early tomorrow morning.
  A. start off B. go off
  C. take off D. put off
  26. John is still at university. He’s research in history.
  A. doing B. making
  C. carrying D. experimenting
  27. John________the office as he was passing, but Mary was out.
  A. called for B. called up
  C. called on D. called at
  28. T.S. Eliot was .
  A. not only famous in Britain but also in America
  B. not famous only in Britain but also in America
  C. famous not only in Britain but also in America
  D. not only famous in Britain but in America too
  29. Early in his life, Thomas showed signs of a skill not only________drawing,
  but________science as well.
  A. in; in B. at; at
  C. on; on D. to; to
  30. He will never forget the day she entered the university.
  A. on when B. on which
  C. then D. which
  Ⅲ. 翻译填空。
  31. 我牙疼得要命, 一夜没有睡着。
  I’ve got an awful toothache. It kept me________the whole night.
  32. 这使我们没法进行下去。
  This made________ for us to go on.
  33. 他取得成功靠运气好而不是靠下苦功。
  He________his success________good luck rather than to hard work.
  34. 他太穷, 请不起大夫, 才四十多岁就死了。
  ________to________a doctor,he died still in his forties.
  35. 机器出什么毛病了吗?
  Has anything________with the machine?
  Ⅳ. 单句改错。
  36. I couldn’t help to laugh at his words.
  37. At the age of 23, she married with her classmate.
  38. This is the city where I visited ten years ago.
  39. When read a newspaper, I heard someone knock at the door.
  40. He made that a duty to serve the people heart and soul.
  41. Zhang Ziyi has played a role to the film “Hero”.
  42. Here he worked for a short film, which won him a job as the youngest film director in the world.
  43. When the park is hit by a storm,things start going wrongly.
  44. Jurrasic Park, which Spielberg made in 1993, is about a park in that a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs.
  45. After that it still cost seven years before they finally got married.
摘要:掌握英语句子中长难句分析的方法,能分析较为复杂的语言现象,对提高学生的英语阅读能力和提高学生英语高考成绩是很有益处的。笔者试从英语中长难句的判断及其特点,分析的基本方法,来探讨如何能有效地提高英语阅读能力和分析长难句的能力。  关键词:英语长难句分析 策略 高考英语阅读 阅读能力  常听到高三的学生抱怨说高考试卷来不及做,主要是有的句子太长而看不懂;看到长句不知道如何分析,继而影响了对文章的
一、词汇过关  1.suggestion  [用法]用作可数名词,意为“the act of wuggesting 建议;暗示”,常见搭配make/give/offer some suggestions (提建议)。注意:建议的内容如果是以同位语从句、表达从句的形式表达,这些从句和suggest后接的宾语从句的形式一样要用虚拟语气形式其基本构成为should+动词原形,should 可省略。
一、词汇过关  1.treat  [用法]用作动词,意为“对待”。例如:
I.单词拼写。  根据句意和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。
一、引言  “河北省中小学教师省级培训项目(以下简称省培)是省教育厅和财政厅为加强全省中小学教师队伍建设,促进基础教育的提高所实施的省级培训项目,旨在提高全省各地中小学骨干教师的教学能力和水平,使受训学员在推进素质教育、实施基础教育课程改革中发挥骨干带头作用。”(李正栓,2011)  2011年10月9日至27日,笔者有幸在河北师大外国语学院参加了高中英语骨干班教师培训。学员共记97人,90%的教
一份2006年毕业生调查报告显示:工程不专业的毕业生薪水仍立于不败之地居各专业之首,财会专业和金融专业薪水增长较快。  根据全国大学与雇主协会(NACE)公布的季度调查显示:就灾一学年而论,大学多数专业的毕业生,起薪都有所增长。
I.单词拼写。  根据名单和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。