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油画是不同于传统中国画的外来画种,过去谈起“中国油画”往往聚焦于20世纪这一百年。2002年,由中央美术学院的二位学者赵力、余丁主编,湖南美术出版社出版的《中国油画文献》,将中国油画的历史上溯至最早能够看到西洋画的明代嘉靖年间,把20世纪之前油画是怎么传入中国的相关史实和研究情况也注意到了,颇有新意。2015年出版的《中国油画五百年》,在《中国油画文献》的基础上,由一卷增补扩充 Oil painting is a kind of exotic painting different from that of traditional Chinese painting. In the past, the talk about “Chinese oil painting” often focused on the one hundred years of the 20th century. In 2002, two scholars from the Central Academy of Fine Arts Zhao Li and Yu Ding edited the “Chinese Oil Painting Literature” published by Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House. The history of Chinese oil painting dates back to the earliest Jiajing period in the Ming Dynasty that saw Western painting. In the 20th century Oil painting is how it was introduced into China before the relevant historical facts and research have also noticed, quite new. The “Five Hundred Years of Chinese Oil Painting” published in 2015 is based on “Chinese oil painting literature” and expanded by a volume addition
今年82岁的父亲近10年以来住过3次院,幸好总能化险为夷。  第一次是在9年前,父亲晚上夜尿的频次多了起来,还总是尿得不顺畅,是典型的前列腺肥大症状,在老年人中這样的问题不少见。果然,到市医院检查后确认为前列腺增生,需要手术。毕竟那时父亲已年逾7旬,况且正好赶上73岁这个数字,老人不迷信但总是心里多少有些犹豫。我在网上查阅了很多资料,还与在北京某医院工作的表姐进行了沟通,最后大家一致说服老人做。其
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