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山东省烟台市公安局芝罘分局近年来加速构建以刑事犯罪信息为重点,多种社会信息并存的信息网络,不断增强信息在破案中的效能,努力培育出刑侦工作新的破案增长点,进一步提高了侦查破案能力。目前,芝罘分局已建立起以《刑事犯罪综合信息查询系统》、《刑事犯罪预警系统》为主的网络化刑侦信息体系,实现了刑事侦查工作历史性的突破。实践已充分证明,刑侦信息的综合应用在今后侦查破案、打击和预防犯罪中将会发挥出越来越重要的作用。为什么要如此强调刑事侦查工作的信息化?概括来讲,就是要适应新形势下打击刑事犯罪的实际需要。烟台是连接东北三省的交通咽喉,芝罘区是烟台市的经济、文化、商贸中心,有常住人口68万、暂住人口10余万,流动人口达十几万人,因而刑事犯罪活动比较活跃。特别是近几年来,随着刑事犯罪 In recent years, Zhifu Branch of Yantai Public Security Bureau of Shandong Province has accelerated the construction of an information network that focuses on criminal information and a variety of social information in recent years, and continuously enhances the effectiveness of information in solving crimes so as to foster new points of detection for criminal investigation and further enhance Investigate the ability to solve the case. At present, Zhifu Branch has established a networked criminal investigation information system mainly based on “system for inquiring into criminal comprehensive information” and “early warning system for criminal activities”, achieving a historic breakthrough in criminal investigation work. Practice has fully proved that the comprehensive application of criminal investigation information will play an increasingly important role in the future detection and detection and crackdown and crime prevention. Why is it so important to emphasize the informatization of criminal investigation? In short, it is to adapt to the actual needs of combating criminal offenses in the new situation. Yantai is the throat of traffic connecting the three northeastern provinces. Zhifu District is the economic, cultural and commercial center of Yantai. It has a permanent resident population of 680,000, a transient population of more than 100,000 and a floating population of more than 100,000. As a result, criminal activities are relatively active. Especially in recent years, along with criminal offenses
随着国家经济建设的发展和人们生活水准的逐步提高 ,改善生活环境 ,美化城市景观 ,提高城市品味 ,已摆上了杭州市政府的议事日程。据调查 ,已建的住宅刚性屋面渗漏率高达 70
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