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决定和决议都是同议案相对应的公文。向会议提请审议批准安排重要事项或重大行动的公文,称为议案。各种代表会议、全体会议、常委会议、领导成员办公会议等审议批准的议案,既可以形成“命令”或“通知”、又可以形成“决定”或“决议”。但是形成何种公文不能随心所欲,而要受议案制约,根据议案性质、内容和执行终点的不同而异。如果审议批准法规性议案,就形成相应的“命令”或“通知”;如果审议批准安排重要事项或重大行动的议案,应形成相应的“决定”或“决议”,然而,由于没有从根本上弄清决定和决议的区别,在行文实践中常常混淆。应该用“决定”的,往往用“决议”;应该用“决议”的,有时用“决定”以前者情况居多,而且相当普遍。不但基层党政机关屡见不鲜,就连中央国家机关也时有发生。例如,《关于召开党的第十二次全国代表大会的决议》(1980、2、29)、《关于设立国家计划生育委员会的决议》(1981、3、6)、《关于撤销国务院财政经济委员会的决议》(1981、3、6) Decisions and resolutions are official documents that correspond to the motion. To the meeting to consider the approval of arrangements for important matters or a major action document, known as the motion. Proposals approved by various deputies ’meetings, plenary meetings, standing committees and leading members’ office meetings can form “orders” or “notices” as well as “decisions” or “resolutions.” However, what kind of official document should not be arbitrarily chosen depends on whether the motion is restricted or not, depending on the nature of the motion, the content and the end of execution. If the review and approval of the regulatory act, the formation of the corresponding “order” or “notice”; if considered for approval of important issues or major initiatives motion should form the corresponding “decision” or “resolution”, however, because there is no fundamental To find out the difference between the decision and the resolution is often confused in the practice of writing. The “decisions” should be used when “decisions” should be made, the “resolutions” are often used; the “resolutions” should be used, and the “decisions” are sometimes used. The former is mostly and fairly common. Not only the grass-roots party and government organs are not uncommon, even the central state organs have also occurred. For example, the “Resolution on convening the Twelfth National Congress of the Party” (1980,2,29), the “Resolution on Establishing a State Family Planning Commission” (1981, 3, 6), the “Resolution on Canceling the State Council Financial and Economic Committee Resolution ”(1981,3,6)
研究背景:视网膜中央静脉阻塞(central retinal vein occlusion,CRVO)是临床上十分常见的可累积黄斑而致视力严重下降的血管疾病,随着高血压、动脉硬化等疾病发病率上升,CRVO
目的 观察淋巴因子激活的杀伤细胞(LAK)与同源树突状细胞(DC)共培养后DC-LAK细胞增殖活性、表型的变化,及其对肺癌细胞株的杀伤效应。 方法 采集12例健康成人自愿者
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Here we offer a review of the literature regarding endoscopic ultrasound-guided ethanol ablation for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours and describe the case of