新闻速写漫谈 续三

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临界速度客观事物的变动过程,可分解为若干个阶段,阶段与阶段之间有个界限。事物正是跨过一个又一个界限而发生突变。速写作者能否把握住“临界速度”,是关系到作品打不打得响的一个关键。错过时机,你将无法追补,一旦把握住了,恰如其分地反映出来了,便是成功。《惊心动魄的一瞬间》(作者:李安定)描述我国制造的第一架“运七”飞机进行一次最关键的试飞,就写得恰到好处。这项试验模拟飞机在空中飞行时,突然有一台发动机失灵,考验飞机的操纵和安全性能。试飞大纲里明确地提出要求:飞机必须在时速达到178至194公里时关掉右翼发动机——这就是规定的“临界速度”——关早了,飞机会掉下来;关晚了,试飞 The changing process of the objective things at the critical speed can be decomposed into several stages and there is a limit between the stages and the stages. It is the sudden change of things that crosses one boundary after another. Sketching authors can grasp the “critical speed” is a key to the works do not play too loud. Miss the opportunity, you will not be able to recover, once seized, appropriately reflected, is successful. “Thrilling moment” (Author: Lee settled) description of the manufacturing of the first “Yun seven” one of the most critical aircraft flight, you write just right. This test simulates the sudden flight failure of an aircraft while it is in flight, testing the maneuverability and safety of the aircraft. The test flight clearly states that the aircraft must turn off the right-hand engine at a speed of 178 to 194 kilometers per hour - this is the “critical speed” specified - the aircraft will fall off early;
2-Methoxyestradiol(2-ME2)is an endogenous metabolite of 17β-estradiol(E2)with estrogen receptor-independent anti-cancer activity.The current study sought to de