教材编审制度的改革是我国教育改革的一大突破 ——柳斌、吕叔湘、朱绍禹、徐振维就中学语文教材改革问题答本刊记者问

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自1986年10月4日《中国教育报》刊登了我国中小学教材编审制度将作重大改革的消息后,中学语文教学界甚为关注,本刊读者纷纷来信,进一步询问有关情况,并提出了各种各样的问题。为了使广大中学语文教师对这次教学大纲的修订和教材的改革获得更清楚更深刻的了解,以便动员更多的人关心这件改革大策,参加到这场重大的改革中来,本刊特将读者提出的诸多问题归类整理,以通讯采访的方式向全国中小学教材审定委员会副主任柳斌、顾问吕叔湘、审定委员朱绍禹、中学语文审查委员徐振维等同志提出了如下问题。现将他们的回答原文刊登,以谢读者对本刊的信任。为了进一步满足广大中学语文教师的要求,沟通新教学大纲和新教材的制定者(编者)、审定者和使用者之间的紧密联系,本刊从即期起特设“大纲与教材百家鸣”栏目,欢迎读者继续就中学语文教学大纲的修订和新教材的编审提出问题或发表看法,更欢迎向审定委员会的某位成员直接提出问题,要求回答或对话。我们还特别欢迎大家发表不同的意见和新颖的见解,即使“奇谭怪论”也无妨。我们期望同中语界的广大改革者一起,把这个栏目办活办好,办得有生气,办成全国中小学教材审定委员会广泛听取各方面意见的窗口。—编者 Since October 4, 1986, “China Education News” published in primary and secondary schools in our country textbook editorial system will be a major reform news, the middle school language teaching is very concerned about, our readers have a letter, further inquired about the situation, and put forward Various problems. In order to enable the majority of middle school language teachers to get a clearer and deeper understanding of the revision of this syllabus and the reform of teaching materials in order to mobilize more people to care about this great reform policy and to participate in this major reform, In particular, many questions put forward by readers are classified and collated, and the following questions are raised by Liu Bin, deputy director of the national primary and secondary school textbook review committee, Lu Shuxiang, consultant Zhu Shaoyu, and Xu Zhenwei, a middle school language reviewer, by means of newsletters. Now their answer to the original published in order to thank the reader's trust in the magazine. In order to further meet the requirements of a large number of middle school language teachers and to communicate the close connection between the new syllabus and the makers (editors) of new teaching materials, validators and users, “, Readers are welcome to continue to raise questions or make comments on the revision of the Chinese language syllabus for secondary schools and the compilation of new textbooks. We welcome the fact that we can ask questions directly from a member of the validation committee and ask for answers or dialogues. We also particularly welcome different opinions and novel opinions, even if we say ”weird theory". We look forward to working with the vast number of reformers in the Chinese-speaking world to organize this section to run well and to become a window into which the National Committee of Primary and Secondary Textbooks Approval Committee can widely listen to all opinions. -editor
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