Shape memory behavior of SMPU knitted fabric

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cmudh134
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A preliminary investigation of shape memory (SM) effects of SMPU (shape memory polyurethane) knitting fabric is presented in this paper. Three SMPU knitted fabrics series with different content of SMPU fibers: 100% SMPU, 50% SMPU and 50% cotton, 16% SMPU and 84% cotton are designed and manufactured in our lab. Their shape memory behaviors at different temperatures are characterized in terms of bagging. Our experimental results showed that shape memory effect can be improved with increasing content of SMPU fibers. A comparison between Lycra and SMPU knitted fabrics was also made to validate the shape memory effects of SMPU knitted fabrics. A preliminary investigation of shape memory (SM) effects of SMPU (shape memory polyurethane) knitting fabrics is presented in this paper. Three SMPU knitted fabrics series with different content of SMPU fibers: 100% SMPU, 50% SMPU and 50% cotton, 16 % SMPU and 84% cotton are designed and manufactured in our lab. Their shape memory behaviors at at different temperatures are characterized in terms of bagging. Our experimental results showed that shape memory effect can be improved with increasing content of SMPU fibers. A comparison between Lycra and SMPU knitted fabrics was also made to validate the shape memory effects of SMPU knitted fabrics.
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