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橡胶、石油、钢铁、煤炭被称为四大工业原料。共和国成立之初,帝国主义对我国实行经济封锁,橡胶十分紧缺,国内年产不过300吨,远远满足不了工业生产的需要,而抗美援朝前线急需的飞机、大炮、汽车、胶鞋样样离不开橡胶。为了粉碎帝国主义的经济封锁,1951年,党中央、毛主席提出:一定要建立我们自己的橡胶生产基地,决定成立华南垦殖局,由叶剑英任局长。后又调兵遣将组建中国人民解放军林业工程第一师、第二师、独立团开赴广东垦区,与先期到达的工程技术人员、翻身农民、归国华侨一起,安营扎寨、艰苦奋斗,打响了创建我国第一个橡胶生产基地的战役。三十多年过去了,海南岛和粤西地区昔日的荒原已被开垦成翠绿的高产胶园,胶树单株产量相当于解放前老胶树的8倍,打破了西方权威人士“北纬十七度以北不能种橡胶”的预言。1982年,我国向全世界宣布:中国橡胶北移种植成功。广东农垦和其他橡胶垦区共同荣获国家发明一等奖。本刊经审改后选登纪实性报告文学《突破北纬十七度线》部分章节,生动、翔实地再现了当年广东农垦人身居荒山野岭,发扬艰苦创业、无私奉献的精神,战天斗地开荒种胶的动人场景。文中还首次对毛泽东与斯大林商谈在中国华南种植橡胶的机密细节,“大转弯”的沉痛教训,广大官兵集体转业的复杂思想作了披露和描写。几位作者都是或曾经是农垦人,他们熟悉农场生活,有的还种过橡胶,对发展祖国的橡胶事业有着非凡的热忱。这种情怀,在这部文学作品的字里行间得到了充分体现,值得一读。 Rubber, petroleum, steel, coal are called the four major industrial raw materials. At the beginning of its establishment, the imperialists imposed an economic blockade on our country and the rubber was in short supply. The domestic production was only 300 tons per year, far from meeting the needs of industrial production. The aircraft, artillery, automobiles and rubber shoes urgently needed by the anti-US aid front were inseparable. rubber. In order to smash the imperialist economic blockade, in 1951 the Central Party Committee and Chairman Mao put forward: We must establish our own rubber production base and decide to set up a South China Bureau of Reclamation, with Ye Jianying as the director. Later, they dispatched troops to establish the first division, second division and independent delegation of forestry engineering of Chinese People’s Liberation Army to go to Guangdong Reclamation Area to set up camp China’s first rubber production base of the campaign. Thirty years have passed. The old wasteland in Hainan Island and western Guangdong has been reclaimed into a verdant and high-yield rubber plantation. The yield per plant is equivalent to 8 times that of the old gum tree before liberation, breaking the gap between the “ Seven degrees north can not grow rubber ”prophecy. In 1982, China announced to the world that the rubber plantation in north China has been successfully planted. Guangdong Land Reclamation and other rubber reclamation areas jointly won the first prize of national invention. Selected as a part of some chapters of the 17th parallel line of North Latitude, the selective publication documentary reportage of this journal vividly depicts the reclaimed land reclaimed by Guangdong Land Reclamation Person who lived in the barren mountains and hills, carried forward the spirit of arduous pioneering and selfless dedication, Gummy moving scenes. The article also for the first time on Mao Zedong and Stalin to discuss confidential details of the planting of rubber in southern China, painful lessons from the “big turn”, the vast number of officers and men of the complex thinking of the collective business was disclosed and described. Several authors are or have been farmers, they are familiar with farm life, and some have also planted rubber to develop the motherland’s rubber business with an extraordinary enthusiasm. This feeling has been fully reflected in the lines of this literary work and is worth reading.