Evaluation of gas wettability and its effects on fluid distribution and fluid flow in porous media

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The special gas wettability phenomenon of reservoir rocks has been recognized by more and more researchers.It has a significant effect on efficient development of unconventional reservoirs.First,based on the preferentially gas-covered ability and surface free energy changes,definition and evaluation methods have been established.Second,a method for altering rock wettability and its mechanisms have been studied,surface oriented phenomena of functional groups with low surface energy are the fundamental reason for gas wettability alteration of rock.Third,the effect of gas wettability on the surface energy,electrical properties and dilatability are investigated.Last,the effects of gas wettability on capillary pressure,oil/gas/water distribution and flow are investigated with capillary tubes and etchedglass network models.The gas wettability theory of reservoir rocks has been initially established,which provides theoretical support for the efficient production of unconventional reservoirs and has great significance. The special gas wettability phenomenon of reservoir rocks has been recognized by more and more researchers. It has a significant effect on efficient development of unconventional reservoirs. First, based on the preferentially gas-covered ability and surface free energy changes, definition and evaluation methods have has established. Second, a method for altering rock wettability and its mechanisms have been studied, surface oriented phenomena of functional groups with low surface energy are the fundamental reason for gas wettability alteration of rock. Third, the effect of gas wettability on the surface energy , electrical properties and dilatability are investigated. Last, the effects of gas wettability on capillary pressure, oil / gas / water distribution and flow are investigated with capillary tubes and etchedglass network models. the gas wettability theory of reservoir rocks has been initially established, which provides theoretical support for the efficient production of unconventional reservoirs a nd has great significance.
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摘要:为了更好地改善城市的市容环境,就需要做好对城市的生活垃圾的处理,所以对垃圾的合理及时的处理已显得颇为重要。本文主要阐述了中小城市建设中生活垃圾中转站设置存在的问题及加强生活垃圾中转站合理设置的措施,并介绍了生活垃圾中转站设置时应注意的环保措施。  关键词:生活垃圾中转站;设置;环保;措施   中图分类号:R124.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:       随着经济的发展,城市水平和城市规模