Robust Stabilization of Uncertain Networked Control Systems with Data Packet Dropouts

来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxn0371
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The data packet dropouts phenomenon is usually inevitable when information transmit- ted among communication networks.In this paper,the robust stabilization problem for uncertain networked control systems with data packet dropouts is studied.First,an uncertain discrete-time switching system model is presented to describe these networked control systems.The stability equiv- alence is then proved between this switching system and an uncertain impulsive difference system. Moreover,a sufficient condition is obtained for the asymptotical stability of the nonlinear impulsive difference system.From this condition the robust stabilization problem is dealt with for the uncertain impulsive system.Main results are given in linear matrix inequalities.Finally a numerical example is given to illustrate the theoretical results. The data packet dropouts phenomenon is usually inevitable when information is transmitted-ted among communication networks. In this paper, the robust stabilization problem for uncertain networked control systems with data packet dropouts is studied. First, an uncertain discrete-time switching system model presented to describe these networked control systems. The stability equiv- alence is then found between the switching system and an uncertain impulsive difference system. Since this sufficient condition is obtained for the asymptotical stability of the nonlinear impulsive difference system. is dealt with for the uncertain impulsive system. Main results are given in linear matrix inequalities.
★视频信息  片名:《云的家族》  制作人:霍林 等  制作单位:湖南省气象服务中心  ★荣誉簿  获评2017年全国优秀微视频科普作品  获评第六届湖南省优秀科普作品  ★正片速览  在碧蓝如海的天边,有一座美丽而奇幻的城,城里住着一群可爱的“小家伙”。  当你仰望天空,这些可爱的“小家伙”就会大方地和你打招呼。  比如,喜欢在夏季的天空中肆意漂浮的、一小团一小团像棉花糖般的“小可爱”叫淡积云,
《教父》这部电影是由弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉导演的一部电影,它于1972年3月24日在美国上映,受到了无数影迷的热捧,赢得了一系列金光闪闪的荣誉:获得第45届奥斯卡奖最佳电影、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本奖……  《教父》本身是一部非常成功的小说,拥有无数忠实的读者,当科波拉要将其拍成电影的消息传出时,就引起了人们的高度关注,谁来饰演男主角成了当时的热门话题。与此同时,选谁来当男主角也让科波拉苦恼不已。